Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
297 warlock. Have only done a little of the begging of the raid once before. Trying to do the whole thing. Send me an invite or message if your needing someone else in your fire team FirePlum2536521
Ps4 296 Titan with a mic. Haven't done raid before and looking to do from start, invite yohon1824
Need 1 for fresh run. Msg gt xUnrealxLifex for inv. Its okay if you haven't done it before.
286 Titan looking to do fresh start I'm not terrible just need someone to give me a shot
Lvl 292 hunter, have no idea what doing I have a mic
293 titan looking to join game my first time doing this one invite me gt above
I'm looking to join a raid team haven't done it yet but can handle myself psn ranww1 294 hunter
295 warlock looking for group for my first run Gt ASavageFackk
290 Hunter is looking for a Raidgroup! :) Gamertag: x Neoks x
Edited by cwhit84: 10/9/2015 10:54:04 PMAnyone that needs help. 301 warlock with ToM and SSps4
Looking to join group for oryx cp. 295 hunter
need 3 more for a daughters cp 288 light min gt: TysEpicGaming
Need raid team. Add ahess69 hunter 296 light. Never completed it before
Edited by The Flash: 10/9/2015 11:04:59 PMLF 1 more raid fall fresh, no experienced required but would be nice if have completed! msg me ingame or here GT same as name
Need 3 more for fresh run, message Flaming Page. (Xbox 1)
Lvl 295 Titan , looking to do the raid for the first time. Have a mic. GT HaterBHO
Got 3 people Fresh run, 2 have done it one is new msg ingame or here, GT is same as name.
Need one forf resh
Need 3 for Oryx CP Never beat him before and need some help learning how to If you're interested and have the patience add NooBPhoeniX
Ps4 291 & and 292 buddy lookin to do raid for first time. Both very capable players, previous raid exp. Have Mic and good listeners.
296 Hunter running tether and a 297 sniper. Looking for oryx cp or fresh
Xbox 1 2 lvl 293 first timers have mikes
looking for one more on golgoroth checkpoint on ps4 add latterz22
296 hunter looking to join team for oryx cp. add and invite
Me and my buddie want do it, 294 and 296, first time running through, Xb1 got :SiriuS KroniK
Fresh run 297 with raid weapons add Bogoevil