Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by The Navajo96: 10/23/2015 10:12:49 PMLooking for 4 for fresh Oryx raid on normal. Message GT: The Navajo96 for invite. No real requirements. First come, first serve. Xbox 360
[quote]Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that... We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes... Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack.... Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on.... Or message INSANEWINKY for invite to Dark ark survivors clan... good bunch of guardians always willing to help each other with raids quests etc http://darkarksurvivors.weebly.com/contacts.html ********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ******** Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo[/quote] Anyone free to help with the kings fall raid, please Msg me @ chillman01 on xb1. FYI it's something I haven't done yet so any and all help is greatly appreciated!
My clan and I will be running raids tonight and tomorrow night on the Xbox 360 What you need to join Mic and 290 light that's it oh and not be an asshole Other than that we are looking for clan members as well so if you enjoy yourself with us then go ahead and join up We will help as well if your almost at 290 light and have not ran the raid let us know we are trying to build a community to help others reach and run the raids we all have the same goals get lvled get gear and have fun and we are here to do just that We are also attempting to get raid groups to run every weekend so we always have groups to play with if that's your thing join up Thanks for reading and hope to see you guys soon Gamertag - alchemy07 (xbox360)
Hi guys looking for a raid team for first timers a 299 hunter and 297 warlock with mics and a little bit of experience add jdunnit83
Looking for fresh normal full raid. Looking to help a friend who hasn't done it. Msg avfcNelse. Xbox one
Edited by BaseNL8: 10/23/2015 7:34:35 PM296 Warlock looking to raid. Done up to Golgoroth. Gt : Base-NL8 Ps4
296 hunter on xb1 looking to raid at 430. Never done it before, would love a shot at it
Started a new topic: Titan 295 looking to do a fresh raid. Have some experience
299 hunter any checkpoint works. I have done the raid once just need a little help. Gt above inv or msg me
need 2 290+ for fresh gt above
Looking for four more kings fall raid 290+ light fresh normal gt zelcar99 xbox360
Need 4 for kings fall raid normal psn: solodolo_954
Ps4 298 Titan looking for Kings Fall normal. Novice. Please add: Shmelb
Light 297 Titan looking for fresh run. I'm experienced and willing to teach if you're willing to listen. Invite me or MSG for invite and be at least 290.
Edited by rhino ardent: 10/23/2015 6:44:25 PMGoing through my first time, Light level 294. GT: Rhino ardent Willing to be of service Xbox one
Need one no things required apart from 290+ well teach you just message Smearcats gt
Looking to do the raid for first time. Titan light level 299
2 titans with totem cp looking to run both 295 add d0ublejay0402 psn please no raid divas we all start someplace also if anyone wants to start group send invite
294 Titan looking to do raid, no mic but I know what i'm doing up to golgototh xbox 360 GT: Skulduggery1998
Warlock level 293 with no raid experience nor fireteam experience. Want to give it a go. Xbox one. Have mic.
Yo guys me and a friend are bored out of our skull have over 50 finishes between us, were willing to help run the raid as long as you have a mic and are willing to listen to instruction, GT same as name send me a message
I'm looking to finish the story quest. Need Warpriest checkpoint. I have done Warpriest and Golgoroth once before, so I'm familiar with killing them. Never been beyond that point. Would love to learn the rest. PS4. 298 Warlock.
295 light looking to finish king fall raid, never done it before, still noob in destiny, looking for mentor to teach me, psn id tanuki-senpai ps4, thx
303 light looking to raid second time will happy teach what I know... message in game for invite
293 hunter lookin to do raid GT: Healyum
xbox one and if yall need help going through the raid I can help out idm. just hit me up when I'm on, gt: justafreak1 :P