Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Fresh run 297 with raid weapons add Bogoevil
283 light titan looking for fresh run gt xsados invite me! I also have a mic
Edited by mokkamuna: 10/9/2015 10:25:22 PM298 light warlock with a spindle looling to do tje raid for the first time ps4
Need 2 more. We are right next to Warpriest. must be at least 285 light. on Xbox ONE message JerzeyCHI for an invite
First time kings fall raid. Am a lvl 290 hunter. And a 289 Titan.
First time looking for fresh light 290 inv same as above
I offer myself for kings fall I have a 294 warlock and lil experience on the raid PS3 psn same as here
Edited by GOD: 10/9/2015 10:19:48 PMim a light 297+ warlock that needs to do the raid fresh please inv my gt is DAMNITAGAIN UHH and im on xbox 360 i have beaten the raid before 7 times on my light 307+ hunter i just need help with my warlock
283 light titan looking for fresh run gt xsados invite me! I also have a mic
293 titan with malice Looking to join start - warpreist Please invite on xbox gt same
Have Oryx Cp Need 5 ! Send message on XBL for inv, or invite GT same as above
I got the oryx checkpoint.. I want to full team that has done it before, and could help me defeat him. I know hints do it cause I watch a bunch of videos and studied. Invite me, really want the raid gear. 297 Titan.. 298 sniper
Ps4 first time. Lvl 290 Titan Psn above
First time raider . Lvl 293 hunter. Lone soldier . Gt same as above.
Looking for people to do fresh. 290 plus
Edited by bluetarragon: 10/9/2015 10:06:34 PM299 hunter looking for a group for my first Kings Fall raid. Thanks. PS4 Bluetarragon
2 players looking to do the sisters or oryx himself, feel free to invite, done the raid before marcusYDG
293 warlock LFG. First time, add jakkoby99 if interested
need 1 for fresh raid 295+ gt same as above MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING
Inexperie ced looking for fresh run to warpriest. Hunter 295 XB1 Msg DarthTempus
297 hunter looking for a first run no mic srry
Looking for 3 for fresh raid. 297 295 294 I have completed it many times, this is my second character , other two haven't. Preferably have experience. Message for invite GT same as above.
need 3 for fresh raid 295+ gt same as above on xbox one MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING
LFG Looking for my first run. 299 hunter. Thanks PS4 Bluetarragon
Looking to do the raid for the first time but I know what to do lv 292 warlock on the Xbox one