Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking to do the raid for the first time but I know what to do lv 292 warlock on the Xbox one
need 3 for fresh raid 295+ gt same as above MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING
295+Titan never did the raid on oryx on PS4
293 titan with touch of malice Looking for fresh start - warpreist invite on xbox gt same
need 3 for fresh raid 295+ gt same as above MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING
Need 3 people who are very experienced to help me and 2 other of my friends do the raid I'm a little experienced msg me if you would like to help LxSOCHx23 xb1
Edited by Sleepy_b_116: 10/9/2015 9:48:07 PM291 & 292 LF chill first time raid group. Both of us a relaxed gamers lookin for a good group to run with weekly. GT Same as user.
I'm a 295 hunter looking for raid group inv me GT is same as name
Xone hunter 296 light, gt same as above looking for a raid group, know what to do up to and including golgoroth
Invite Xfg stealth xD. Xbox one.
KINGS FALL RAID need one more 295+light MIC experience or none just message GT same roidragescout XBOXONE
LFG Me and my friend Not experienced Ligjt 295 293 Gt is SumDumbHonkey
299 hunter looking for my first run with some nice people :) PS4 Bluetarragon
Looking for a team to do King fall raid fresh. I'm a Titan with 294 light and ToM. Must have mic.
301 hunter running fresh. I'm running a buddy of mine who hasn't attempted the raid yet. Looking for people who don't mind helping out and/or people who haven't done it yet. I will teach you. Message j blahh for an invite. Be at least level 290
LFG Me and my friend Not experienced Ligjt 295 293 Gt is SumDumbHonkey
Edited by Sam Shady13: 10/9/2015 9:39:41 PM297 titan looking for fresh run gt:StL Sam Shady. I have completed the raid multiple times
294 warlock on ps3 looking to do raid for the first time. PSN is the same
Ive done the raid before willing to teach I'm a 300 warlock 288 and above please
Looking to get to first chest, no experience Hunter 295 XB1 Msg DarthTempus
297 hunter, experienced as far as warpriest, invite Pazuzu951
Invite me GT scottaskew
Looking for 4 people ASAP, GOLGOROTH'S CELLAR
Zoekt 1 speler aan totem zend bericht en ik stuur invite
Hey any noobs wanna play Need 4 people I have a 303 and 306 Msg:MonsterUrm for invite
Edited by Zyphorus1982: 10/9/2015 9:16:28 PM292 hunter looking to do the raid... Have some experience up to the ogre. Get Zyphorus1982 on xbone