Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by Zyphorus1982: 10/9/2015 9:16:28 PM292 hunter looking to do the raid... Have some experience up to the ogre. Get Zyphorus1982 on xbone
Noob raider looking for a fresh run add Clint westwoody hunter 297 light
If you want to do the raid put your gamertag xbox one n ill invite you to a game need 5 ppl
Trying to do raid from fresh or war priest psn same as above
293 and 297 looking for fresh. xb1 gt: irocRoca
Edited by MudStik: 10/9/2015 8:42:22 PMWarlock 302 looking for a group to help through, I've done he raid plenty of times. Gamertag is xlX PP19 Xlx the letters between the x's are lowercase L's.Xbox one
294 new to raid need a fireteam that can help me i have a checkpoint at the totems xbox one gt same as above :)
294 warlock looking for first time
298 titan defender class lfg oryx cp add Hater918
Edited by Nordstein: 10/9/2015 8:44:47 PMPS4. Need one, we're at Golgoroth. No requirements for weapons, etc, but the higher you are the better. Please have a good sniper and LMG. Only requirement is that you're CHILL. Getting worked up, freaking out, or hogging the mic will result in a boot. Post below or add "Nordstein" Cheers
Edited by MTNThatRides: 10/9/2015 8:49:39 PMMTN-That-Rides, 295 Warlock ps4
Hunter light lv 291 looking to do raid with some plp. It will be my first time xbox1
Edited by shockerguy99: 10/9/2015 8:37:52 PM295 Warlock LF Kings Fall raid, have mic and will listen, gt is same as name
299 hunter. xbox one. lookin for war priest or the room before.
Edited by Protector: 10/9/2015 8:54:32 PM1 Titan 295+ what to beat the raid i never did it tho what to try to beat it today i be on all day :) on PS4
Edited by NTHNlimer: 10/9/2015 8:35:16 PMI'm a 294 Titan on Xbox one looking for a raid group. Little experience. GT same as above
Level 293 hunter. Inv me to glyphs/totems
Looking for 5 to do kings fall for the first time please add my gamertag or message me the gamertag is InfamouZ JoJo Hunter Light level 298
message me for KFR fresh run new people GT roidragescout
Edited by SainmanN: 10/9/2015 8:31:56 PMXBOX ONE 2 Titans light level. 300 & 301 looking to beat oryx for the first time. Have oryx check point. Need four well experienced player to help us beat him please. Game tag same as above.
Xbox One - 296 Titan A little experience but looking for fresh run
296 hunter looking for fresh run. First time but get the gist.
Need 1 for war priest check point 290+ light Gt above message for inv Have an idea of what you need to do
291 light level hunter looking to do a fresh run add Gormy16
Xbox one, 289 warlock, 295 hunter, and 293 hunter looking to do fresh raid run message me