Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
need 3 for deathsingers cp gt connorcovbadboy msg me for inv
2 of us. Need 4 for a fresh run, 290 plus please! Gt is ImMythic EU message for invite!
looking for 3 newbs for the kings fall raid on xbox 360 Message GT above (blind play through)
307 Titan looking to help any group. Have beaten it many times I'm just bored. Invite Shiny Dabs
Raid noob looking to do it for the first time. Am 290 warlock with a mic and all the time on the world. B0ss, plz? ;_;
First time raider. 297 hunter looking for a group add sharpPAIN
Detschsprachiges Raid Team gesucht xbox on
307 hunter looking for warpriest or ogre CP GT above invite me im op
307 hunter looking for warpriest or ogre CP GT above invite me im op
Need 5 for kf for first time I am have a 295 warlock and have mic add kirst2702
We need two more on xbox one. Msg for inv. We'd like some experienced ppl b/c we dont have many. Same gt
First time raider trying to kick some ass.
307 hunter looking for warpriest or ogre CP GT above invite me im op
LFG that is on the daughters cp 302 lock with malice send invite to buttsoap22
Need 5 for fresh raid need 295+ must have done the raid before and knows what to do message me for an invite
Need four more a fresh run, running it with my friend who hasn't done it yet, so please be patient and cool 295+ msg me Gt: milkavellii
We need to more on xbox one. Msg for inv. We'd like some experienced ppl b/c we dont have many. Same gt
We need to more on xbox one. Msg for inv. We'd like some experienced ppl b/c we dont have many. Same gt
GT: StL Sam Shady lvl 297 titan looking for a fresh run for the week. I know the raid and able to competently do it
Titan looking for fresh run add me and let's fight shaun1849
Edited by Hammertime8910: 10/9/2015 7:17:32 PMHaven't ran the raid yet 295 Titan lfg. Gt same Ps4
307 hunter looking for warpriest or ogre CP GT above invite me im op
JTHearon2011 would love to do the kings fall raid finally
40 warlock looking for a team for a fresh run add nemisi_2k1
Xbox One need 2. First time raiders, got to Goloroth last night so going from that CP. Must be friendly and have decent chat ;) Message for invite: GetsugaKamen