Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
290 titan gt is velxin for Xone
PS4 298 Hunter. Have decent scout/sniper/MG. Seen plenty of vids but it's my first time actually running. PSN ChidoriEiso
Looking for 2 noobs to get carried through the raid. any light level. message: troopza for an invite. state your class.
295 Warlock looking to run raid for 1st time. Have seen some youtube videos but inexperience and might not remember every detail. Have mic and I'm from Sweden. PS4 PSN: migge84
I am looking to join a crew tonight for raid. I am on Xbox one and uk based. I run with a Titan 296/7 I know the mechanics required for each step of raid just not beaten it all yet. I also need to collect a couple of fragments on the way. Message me on my GT if you are in need of someone.
2 looking for fresh raid. Both 290+. Gamer tag as above send invite please.
hey are you still looking cuz I am trying to finish the raid for my first time gt speedracer 110
Need one more for sisters checkpoint! Message Sharingon777 for invite!
Xbox 1 298 warlock and 293 Titan looking to learn fresh start gt same as above
295 Hunter Finally deciding to try the raid :U KajiNoKitsune9 on X1
299 Warlock. Looking for Oryx cp. send invite. GT: Bananapudnmasta Xbox one.
Need two for gorgoroth co GT is user
Need three for taken King raid don't care if first timers gt SoftDizzyTurtle Xbox one
289 hunt looking to run raid for the 1st time. Only expertise I have is a YouTube video. Gt Same as Above.
Edited by Senpai_710: 10/9/2015 5:33:46 PMPs4 304 hunter Looking to help fresh raid group with first timers or with minimal experience I know the mechanics and am prepared WILL NOT CARRY DEAD WEIGHT FOR ALT CHARACTERS Psn same as name add/invite/post NO REQ but would appreciate 285+ with corresponding light weapons and a sniper rifle DO NOT COME WITH LIGHT 280+ WITH SWORD AND SHOTGUN, youre not really 280+ if thats the case since theyre useless in raid
286 light and we already have 3 0ther people on xbox one
I need 4 person for new run
295 hunter looking to join a team for fresh run. Have experience upto the war priest. Invite XB1 GT same as name
Need one for gorgoroth co GT is user
Edited by AAflexy: 10/9/2015 6:05:59 PM298 warlock if needed can go to my 301 character looking for 5 fresh run 295+only
304 hunter, looking for deathsingers checkpoint, gamertag: Awoken Walker
295 or 298 Hunter (Depends on load out) looking to attempt new raid for the first time. Xbox One, I have a Mic. xF3R0CITYx The O^ in my name is a Zero
Edited by ANGRY DUCKY 420: 10/9/2015 6:02:20 PMNeed 1 must be 295+ light Can help you through it
Looking for a team of high levels to take me through golgoroth and oryx I have a golgoroth cp and I'm 293 light or 296 with exotic sword I never beat the raid only got up to golgoroth so just tell me what to do add DeathKid_XD
Need two more
What platform you on?