Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
What platform you on?
Clan Name: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url] ANYBODY can join the Bungie.net group! Platform: XBox One Leader: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/316042]The Youngin 100[/url] ***There is 1 Skill & Communication based test to become a Member! Mission Statement Savage Samurais is an easy-going, but tactical & team based clan. We aim to be a skill based clan, but foremost a social HUB. Members are not obligated to do anything; no mandated meetings, no minimum K/D, no required cosmetics, etc. Still, EVERY members' suggestions, ideas, support, contributions, skill, activity & help are appreciated and 'sometimes' recognized. Our goal is to have many small groups (FireTeams) of friends that will ultimately form Savage Samurais. Feel free to join and follow the group! We do have a skill and communication based test to be eligible to join the Clan. We are open to suggestions & support from all members! There are no discriminations of sex, religion, age or race within the clan. IMMATURITY & DISRESPECT will not be tolerated. [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Click Here[/url]
Looking for a team of high levels to take me through golgoroth and oryx need 4 more I have a golgoroth cp and I'm 293 light or 296 with exotic sword I never beat the raid only got up to golgoroth so just tell me what to do add DeathKid_XD (ps4)
299 hunter. lookin to complete raid for first time. experienced in parts, but not all (know what to do). looking for a team to join.
Hi there lvl295 warlock looking to complete raid for first time, was too busy playing mgsv when it came out now I'm a bit behind on destiny -_-
299 Titan looking to join Oryx cp, Gt TheStrangerZone
I'm a 297 warlock(second character) need somebody to show me how to do the beginning 295+only
291 Titan Xbox one GT wzrd h
296 Warlock ,who has not played King's Fall before, looking for a raid group. GT: Ix UK pkmn xI
297 warlock(second character) already beat the raid looking for someone who knows how to do the beginning 295+ only inv me to join
Message me. GT EvilSmitty2010. Down to grind a RAID in
I'm looking for 5 people to finish VoG on hard I'm at the checkpoint in Gorgons Labyrinth Add: Mustard-Cat
Looking for a team of high levels to take me through golgoroth and oryx need 4 more I have a golgoroth cp and I'm 293 light or 296 with exotic sword I never beat the raid only got up to golgoroth so just tell me what to do add DeathKid_XD (ps4)
need a group that is willing to help a noob out. i joined some friends in the middle of Golgoroth, so he's the only one i've beaten. need help from either Warpriest or Sisters (i have Sisters checkpoint). light 299 (grimoire 4000+) Xbox one invite Mortug
PS4 Light 298 Hunter Looking for 3 people add: Chaosshade99
290+ light ... some experience with the beginning looking for fresh on Xbox one .... invite MegaMoultonizer
Looking to do a whole run I'm Titan done oryx but not the whole raid add xxIRewindsxx
291 Titan Xbox one GT wzrd h
War 296 Xbox 1 looking to raid and learn how to complete it. If anyone is on now looking to get this done send inv i would like to join.
PS4 - elgunther Little to none experience in raids (Did the VOG and tried Crota) but I'm willing to learn, I'm from Brazil (GMT -3) and have mic.
PS4 Looking for 3 more add Chaosshade99
Xbox 360 with mic 292 hunter. Inv please
304 hunter Looking to help fresh raid group with first timers or with minimal experience I know the mechanics and am prepared WILL NOT CARRY DEAD WEIGHT FOR ALT CHARACTERS Psn same as name add/invite/post NO REQ but would appreciate 285+ with corresponding light weapons and a sniper rifle DO NOT COME WITH LIGHT 280+ WITH SWORD AND SHOTGUN, youre not really 280+ if thats the case since theyre useless in raid
PS4 Chaosshade99 Light 298 Hunter
Edited by YATM: 10/9/2015 4:38:13 PMPS4 Lvl 296 Titan. Very Exp Raider looking for first King's Fall Raid. Add: Andeluthien
me and a friend looking for a group. inv, on 360.