Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
me and a friend looking for a group. inv, on 360.
Gt same as above Xbox 360 Hunter light 293
Light 293 titan. Invite KoShErRaBBit
Gamertag: Awoken Walker Light: 304 Class: Hunter, nightstalker Checkpoint: Looking for deathsinger sisters checkpoint. Using: I'll be using my raid LMG, Scout rifle and the Black spindle. Completed raid before, I'd like to join a experienced team, tried this with 2 fireteams in the past 2 days and they kept failing.
We're looking for one more person to take part in the raid that is 292+ light. It's preferable that you have prior experience but we don't mind noobies either. Just send me a message if you're interested on GT: iamzammm
I need 2 more for kings fall (ps4) fresh run
PS4. 296 warlock day 1 player looking to do the raid. I've only had time to play a little, so beaten warpriest and that's it. I understand destiny's raid mechanics and prefer a chill group. Cheers. "Nordstein"
need 3 for oryx cp never finished it before
293 titan. Ps4 guardiolator
Ps4 lfg light 294 titan gt unchained88007 first time doing raid
Edited by DarkestMoon657: 10/9/2015 5:10:50 PMneed one for fresh raid please be competent xbox one
Edited by FarushaDark: 10/9/2015 5:07:35 PMFarushaDark Light level 292 Warlock Ps3 ign: FarushaDark I have a mic and new to raid but watched a walkthrough of it and have an general idea what to do on each part. Send me an invite if you need help with anything!
(Xbox one)289 Titan looking for fresh run haven't done raid before Gt same as above
Anyone is welcome to Add me on PSN @ rusty31pro and I'll help you complete the raid. I've completed it 17 times now and I'm willing to help newer players in the raid. Minimum light 285. And you also can add me if you need a trials team, want to play PVP, iron banner team, other raids team(VOG & Crota), or just want to be friends and think you'll need my help in the future. I have a YouTube that I will be getting back together soon, I have a few videos up now of me playing PVP and my channel is also - Rusty31Pro. I have twitch which is Rusty31Proo. With both o's at the end. My Twitter is @HughHefnr Feel free to DM me on there as well. Also do me a favor and follow me on here if you would like to see my progression. Thanks and can't wait to make new friends!(:
~Xbox One~ King's Fall Raid. Lvl 303 light. Hunter. Raze-Lighter Looking for Warpriest Must have at least 300light. Hunters & Titans preferred If you invite me to anything other then this, I will leave. Contact me on xbox Gamertag: Shadowrol
Edited by xDESTI2OYERx: 10/9/2015 4:53:01 PMXbox one Light level 289 Titan looking for raid team This will be my first run Gt same as above
First time kings fall raid I am a hunter with a light of 292 like to do it from beginning will appreciate it add XxSMILE-U-DIEDxX
First time french hunter 291 PS4
At sisters need 5 people. Message me GT is the same
295 done golgoroth lfg for the rest of raid. Message or invite gt same as above
289 Titan looking for team This will be my first time Gt same as above
Edited by Mortug: 10/9/2015 4:44:46 PMall i've beaten is Golgoroth. need a group that is willing to help with either Warpriest or Sisters. light 299 (grimoire 4000+ ffs) xbox one...
Looking for a team, I'm 297 light. Send me an invite
I need team on fresh raid xbox 360 light is 303