Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by Lotsaitalianos: 10/9/2015 3:32:26 PMLooking to do a fresh raid I've gotten up to the warpriest and that's it. I'm a 294 warlock. Invite me my username is Lotsaitalianos. Thank you. I'm on ps4
Titan 296 Light Feel free to invite me.
lvl 291, looking to get raid gear. add ogdannypboy. #teamplayer
PSN J2the4son looking for fresh run. Light level 296.
Fresh run
Im looking for a team to play with. Im a hunter 292 with some experience, ive done the first part of the raid. Send me a message on xbox
Looking to do kings fall 297 hunter gt above invite
send message for invite
I'm xbox1 and need raid friends willing to help teach an old dog new tricks. I've only been playing for about 3-4 months but I love to play. How can I learn if no one is willing to teach me? Thank you for any help anyone may give.
Ps4 looking for raid group my psn is akogstriker247
Edited by HiggyBeans: 10/9/2015 2:44:38 PMPS4: Never done raid before, 294 Hunter, have a 300 sniper and 294 lmg
Ps4 wanna give King's Fall a try, never done it so everything is new. Did watch some video's. Looking for a nice group. Hunter light 298
Edited by Pablo: 10/9/2015 2:41:23 PMI'm a 299 warlock I'm at oryx and my team had kicked me for one of the friends because I was the random anyways I play 360 and I have a mic
Edited by monts213: 10/9/2015 2:39:57 PMWarlock light295 looking for fireteam for fresh run don't have a mic but I could listen for instructions add monts213 on ps4
need 5 with 290+ light this will be a fresh raid add tony-aka-age
Ive never done a raid b4..277 hunter im a good listener👍👍ps4
Warlock light295 looking for fireteam for fresh run don't have mic but could listen for instructions
HI would like to join on ps4 username Gammera Hunter level 40 light 288 am playing from the uk not sure I will be any good so understand if you remove me as I am a totally new to raid's and stirke's . I have joined in when people have been in the court oryx with the summoning runes . Hope you add me
294 light warlock Fresh to the raid Xbox One GT: LMF4O 8D
Looking to do kings fall 297 hunter gt above invite never done before plz inv
296 hunter. Need 5 for fresh run. Message for invite. GT: ki11joy162
Hunter light 291 looking to do raid first time xbox
Looking for five people on ps4 psn same as above
Have oryx cp plz message for inv thanks
Edited by Espi_94: 10/9/2015 2:31:07 PMStill looking to join an easy going fire team, hunter is level 299 and has sisters checkpoint. but will do a fresh run with my titan which is lvl 290 :D ps4
Doing a run of some of the raid to do some learning. Miss Mekanism will be leading and doing some explaining. Msg my gt above for an inv