Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by Mitch272727: 10/9/2015 1:17:44 PMNever done raid before 290 Hunter looking for people to help on ps4
306 Warlock Fresh Run Message Abx7 300+
(Ps4) never done before and would love some help! An invite or I could make a team add me rocket-rogers
Looking to do the raid, I've never done it, I would like some people to run me through it, I think I can stay alive, please invite me, gt is SexyVespie, looking for fresh start.
Got 2 players looking to do fresh start, light lvl 290 and 299 invite me if needed marcusYDG
296 warlock looking for fresh raid done first half once. Gt same
LF2 to do PoE lvl34 and 35, I am light 307, message me
295 self revive warlock looking to do raid, havent had time. Inv
Hunter 292 light. Looking for team to help on first raid. GT above #xboxone
Looking for a friendly raid team for my first Kings fall. Ps3 gt hattyavfc85
Looking for a fire team, Titan 280 light add Jackop123456789 PS4
Need 5 pls have 1 experienced it is my first time I have golgoroth cp msg for once gt above
Xbox one Need two 295+ for war priest checkpoint. Currently running through for the first time. Haven't had much trouble so far. If you're willing to join for a fun first time run or to help us out message tisMAXIMUS for an invite. P.s. If you do join and have done it please don't spoil anything
Lfg I'm 295 and have watched videos on the raid online, I know what to do, smaller details might need explaining.. Lf glyphs cp
299 hunter. xbox one. looking to join fresh or war priest cp. gt same as above.
294 lock LF fresh kings fall, add quietqiLLa
360 raid fresh need 5 Gt same
295 Hunter looking for a fresh Kings Fall on Xbox 1, gamer tag same as name, please send invite.
Need 2 warpriest must have exp gt ste sharpshoot
I'm looking for people to do the raids etc with on ps4 Add me psn ID: pR1NgL3
Edited by Sathrimel: 10/9/2015 12:21:38 PMPs4 looking to do kings fall for the first time, but will do other raids and strikes too so i can raise my light level, add me Sathrimel
Looking for raid team on xbox1
Smashin raid must be 300 and raid exper gt ste sharpshoot
299 hunter want full raid.
Warpriestneed 3 gt ste sharpshoot
Need 3 warpriest must have exp