Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by DYLmaTTiC: 10/9/2015 6:39:36 AMHave a war priest check point looking for a team add DYL_ing3r
Edited by AssaultPanda: 10/9/2015 6:44:08 AM300 Warlock looking to beat oryx cp for the first time Yes I know what to do Invite xAssaultxPandax
299 titan lookin for fresh run or whatever, i have done it before, I don't really care if you haven't, inv GT above please
Running my friend through his first kings fall, he is going in blind at 295, I'm 295 on alt, done raid before and have emblem with Touch of Malice Anyone is welcome but experience with raid is a plus Message C10CkW0Rk for invite
Need 2 for raid. I am helping a buddy through the raid it is his first time. I have completed the raid multiple times (I am a 306 titan). No experience needed as I will be explaining everything as we go. Message Kyle eMr.
PS3 299 titan DNA-KillerSneak Haven't completed the raid at all yet as I simply don't know people that actually take the time to get me through (instead if telling me to watch YouTube movies "something I'm against on my first run")
Need 1 fresh run 309 titan. Msg codeofconduct92 for inv
Looking for a fresh raid Need 4 people 295+ light Have mic Add for invite: High_Servitor
310 titan pro bro need a pro? Msg green Dragon536 I'm a pro inv me lol swag#
Edited by N7Colossus1997: 10/9/2015 6:32:06 AMNEED 4 MORE NEW 2 RAID GT ABOVE XBX1
289 warlock looking for fresh run. Good player with mic, new to kings fall Bert_MacklinFBI_
Need team for raid on Xbox One 296 Hunter Fresh run and I'm experience up until War priest.
Inv to raid 293
need 3 for fresh start message me for invite :)
290 light lock lf fresh raid no exp. Gt: Marco Iz GoDLy
Edited by lotuschief: 10/9/2015 6:20:58 AMLf fresh raid to help with already finished this week just bored add lotuschief69 ps4
I am yet to beat the raid at golgoroth checkpoint and looking for good players to help me finish it off!
Any good experienced people willing to help me and a friend at oryx cp. we're trying to be him for the first time. If so gt realstyle21 on xboxone.
Need 3 at daughters
300 titan pro bro need a pro? Msg green Dragon536 I'm a pro inv me lol swag#
299 Warlock Ive beaten everything but Oryx once. Would like to finish the raid or do any part of it. gt: gnomePuncher
I need help running the new raid. I've never done it. I have attempted it but never finished. I was at totums before war priest but never finished because of low light but I'm a warlock 295 now so I kinda needa do the raid. Someone please help message me lilskittles96.
Looking for raid group never completed but am good player light lvl 297 titan for xbox 360 gr8 username
I'm looking for a fresh raid. If anyone is down for it, hit me up. PSN: blazebandana
284 titan pro bro need a pro? Msg green Dragon536 I'm a pro inv me lol swag#
Running fresh new raid 295+ light msg for inv Gt Fuzion King