Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
298 titan looking to do kings run for the first time. Inv plz, gt same as name. XB1
Looking for more players hunter 292 psn LightinDatAssUp
Looking for a team to play with on the daughters cp! 298 hunter with a mic, I know what to do but I've never had the chance to be the runner before BUT I do know what to do when I do get the chance. Game chat only! MSG GT xSiimplyDopex if you need a player! :)
308 hunter looking for 1 more at oryx now. Be 300+ light and have experience. Message me in game. ATullo
I need 1 calcified fragment just after the jump ships plz invite me after you make it across them as i cant make it gt vcrazyfreak69 xb1
Edited by x-Valentines-x: 10/22/2015 5:58:40 AMLooking 2 do the raid for the first time. 297 light titan, have watched videos on how to do raid and have a Mic Add or message x-valentines-x on the ps4
Ive finished raid once, would do it tonight if anyone wants me. willing to help people out. PSN: terminator1914
Edited by myGODxBK: 10/22/2015 5:30:05 AMHave 2 lfg to do raid for the first time 296 light and experienced...invite pls Gt same as name
300 kill sisters need 1 msg greatblack hope
Kings Raid, fresh, need one more, Titan with weapons. Must have mic, LVL 300+ and be mature. Add jonesoscarh2013
sisters cp mess for inv 300+ light with tom plz need 1 to start [armory][/armory]
Add me efrain9 never do it
Would like to do the raid for the first time I'm a lvl 295 titan I've watch videos on how to do it so I do have a clue on what to do , I also have a mic. if your willing to help me my gt is same as name. Thank you.
303 Warlock helping new raiders on Xbox 360. Gamertag: Monsieur GQ. Send me a message if you want to give the raid a shot.
Edited by d0ublejay0402: 10/22/2015 3:21:46 AMLooking for a first run please dont even have to be a full run just wanna try it 295 titan .._ please add d0ublejay0402 on psn (ps4) i also have a friend who would join hes never run it ether
Titan 302 Got all good weapons raid start to finshed add me. Emando1969
301 Hunter looking for fresh raid. GT GREENSCATPACK No kids.
Edited by AxlofAstora: 10/22/2015 12:58:25 AMI'd like to try the raid. 299 hunter. 0 experience. Ps4 Gt: justinaxlnagel
303 Titan with malice and can run relic Looking for and have oryx CP GT GREENSCATPACK
I want to try the raid but I'm having trouble finding decent people to help me out. I haven't tried it before but I'm a warlock at 295. If anyone has an open spot and is nice enough to let me in lmk. Add KAOS_AIRWREKKA. I would appreciate all the help I could get.
Have 3 296's and 1 295 looking to take on the taken king. 2 of us have gotten to the witches with the whole rift between detentions. Looking for 2 experienced to help with a fresh run. Psn: mpit52
Looking to do my first kings falls raid run. Ps4 add jbooradley
Edited by Luke: 10/22/2015 12:05:39 AMLf two who haven't run the raid before message its kyle omg for inv xbox one
Need 5 for Oryx CP. Help needed as havent beaten him yet. Want to get done today. PSN same
Looking for 3 for fresh run. Don't care how much experience you have, willing to teach. Psn: Blackjack_423 Add on PS4 & join
I've done this quite a few times. Happy to run people through. Helpful to be 290+ but we can go if you're just below - with any luck you'll get some drops that'll help PSN above - Add / Join