Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
xSlyYoungx on xbox one Hunter light level 293 slyyoung28 on PS4 Titan light level 289 I am looking to get into the kings fall
Need one person for a lamp to do the basketball court for fun
296 titan looking for some people to run me through the raid ive beaten oryx but never did it from the start my gt is above. Send me a msg or invt. Thanks! #xboxone
Need 1
299 light Hunter looking to run Kingsfall for the first time. P.s. don't have a mic.
At the daughters checkpoint! Need 5 players on PS4! Experienced or not doesn't matter Let's just play. ADD KKMONEY
Need help to lev up to 300 gt same name
I'm a 291 warlock I wanna do the kings fall for the first time on on the ps4 and my psn is the same add me and invite me I have mic as well
Fused Eazy 296-299 hunter xbox 360 looking for a fresh kings fall raid. Not done it before :) have a mic.
My lights 276 would anyone pull me thru the raid?
PS3 - GT : baronvonballs 298 Titan I know how to do everything up to oryx and would like to finish some or all of the raid today if anyone wants to give it a go . I'll happily give anyone a hand if it's your first time . I've joined many teams that are full of holier than thou players and that's not cool . So let's take on the raid with a good attitude ! HMU
Looking for 1 more for fresh kings fall noobs accepted jist be 295+
Two titans, one at 300 the other at 292 looking for 4 to run fresh raid with us. Xbox 360. Message in game: TapeableLemming
296 warlock looking to do the raid first time ps4
Looking for a fresh run team very good can hold my own completed this multiple times light lvl 303 gt above invite
Edited by XODUS9: 10/9/2015 1:01:56 AMXbox 360 looking to do ANY raids! Only had the game barely a week. 280 warlock. Can't get into any raids because I've never done one....follows the good ole concept of "can't get credit if you don't have credit"
291 Titan looking for first time King's Fall. XB1 gt:onemorefate
Edited by CantTellYouBro: 10/9/2015 12:47:00 AMPs4 add canttellyoubro looking for a team
Add Lindy_SnipeZ 294 hunter
Need help carrying a 286 fresh run I've already completed the raid a few times Gt iPimpdaddysteve
First time raider 292 ps3 I do not have a mic tho
297 warlock looking to do raid for first time psn TEXREAPER
Hunter 291 ps4-klutchjoker
looking for 1 for fresh kings fall. msg in game for ninvite
Hunter Lvl 298 X1
Counting raid at war priest . We have 3 people. IA warlock 293 A Titan 292 and hunter 296 . Add UGK33 or CriosphereElectro on PSN