Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Counting raid at war priest . We have 3 people. IA warlock 293 A Titan 292 and hunter 296 . Add UGK33 or CriosphereElectro on PSN
Pls inv I only have 285 light but I can pull my own weight
Looking for 2 more for fresh raid. MSG for invite on xbox1
LFG 292 hunter x1 GT same as above
Hunter 288 looking to do the raid for the first time. Need some help
289 hunter trying to do kings fall for the first time xbox 360 gt lemons1o1o
Need 1 for kings fall x box 360 gt sluggishmanx3
296 warlock looking to do the raid first time PS4
Edited by Ryuu: 10/9/2015 12:20:43 AM295 warlock message or invite gt the same please have party too xbox one
Lvl 290 Titan, helm of Saint-14. Inv me on xb1. Have not done raid before, but I catch on quickly. Need fresh run
Add GODamoungus for help with raid frrsh run
fonnzyfuk hunter 292 lfg kings fall invite me
fonnzyfuk hunter 292 lfg kings fall invite me
296 warlock looking to do the raid first time
292 warlock looking to do Raid for first time
Looking to join raid. 298 warlock. Know what I'm doing. XB1 GT- ONEpumpCHUMP 23
Edited by Stein LL: 10/9/2015 12:01:42 AMHunter light lvl 288 Stein LL Inv
made it till oryx first time need help warlock light 298
Hunter Light level[b] [i]288[/i][/b] XBOX ONE GT: [b]SaradoxTheEpicz[/b] [b][i]Have only made it to the Warpriest[/i][/b] Need a fireteam of [b]5[/b] people [b]Message me if interested[/b]
Raid fresh run 304 warlock add zomBkiller47
Need 5 people for the Oryx checkpoint GT. OFFENSIVE GUIDO. Send me a message or party invite
Looking for a team to join. Its my first time playing Oryx raid, im a Titan 294. on PS4 My gamer name is on top
Looking for 3 290+ got a cp just after the jump puzzle Xb1 same gt
Warlock light level 293 looking to join a team message me or invite me gamertag above
Hunter Light level 288 XBOX ONE GT: SaradoxTheEpicz Have only made it to the Warpriest Need a fireteam of 5 people Message me if interested
Looking for a freshrun on the Kings raid. I'm a 293 Titan. This is my first time. Same Gt xbox1