Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by Rekeix: 10/8/2015 8:42:40 PM294 hunter, I'm usually on Tuesday Wednesday Thursday. Also looking for a clan.
293 warlock for raid invite gt above
I'm a 299 hunter and I am looking for players to defeat oryx with. I have done the entire raid except for oryx, and I don't have a lot of experience facing oryx so anyone willing to teach me is more than welcome. Gamertag is the same and I'm on 360, message me if you would like to help.
need 5 for warpriest be 295+, know what you are doing please
Lfg to do golgoroth cp Send me an invite on the one Gt abstroxity
ps4 new to raid my light is 292, get @ me- crusher901
Hunter- 294 and Warlock-297, looking for Golgoroth or further. GT: PurpleAnimeFan ((No Mics but we know what to do.))
Need 4 for the daughters raid, add me
Xbox One - Titan 291 - Gt same as above - Looking for fresh run
Need 3 players. Currently at totems. Add Ldn_Pidge or TheWizzle or GhanaGreatness and join the fire team and party ASAP!
Looking for fresh run first time 293 light warlock have mic add Coreyblacky27
CALLING ALL RAID VIRGINS Looking for 3 for a fresh run, no experience required! Anyone who hasn't done the raid are welcome all we ask is 280+ light, 18 or older and can communicate well If you meet the easy requirements and your on Ps4 add Conor-RM
Noob run for Kings Fall Raid. On PS3. Titan. Light 292. LFG or LFM. Usually play around 9pm - Midnight on PST(California)
First time 290 hunter Msg gt above
299 warlock looking for raid. Havnt had the chance to kill any bosses yet, do have headset for comms Psn: ThingeoX
Need help running the raid
need 1 for fresh start,,, mostly first timers message me on gamertag alcroft1982 if you'd like to join ???
Lfg fresh run right now 295 titan Psn: radioactive_m
need 3 for fresh start,,, 2 first timers message me on gamertag alcroft1982 if you'd like to join ???
295 LL Hunter LFG to Raid, GT: Bravds
276 warlock looking for raid team or possible patrol mission help. Need fire team.
First time light 290 hunter i got a mic gt as above inv me i need teamate i'm all alone
Oryx cp 292 add burning_boxes
Need 2 for Oryx CP. Message Kyle eMr. Preferably over 295+ light
297 hunter lfg
Akleptic92 Has mic 286 level Xbox one