Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Akleptic92 Has mic 286 level Xbox one
Looming to run raid for first time 297 hunter ps4 here
Edited by TheKingCorso: 10/8/2015 7:29:48 PMPSN TheKingCorso 296 warlock really need 1. At basilica door
Warlock Light 295 or 293 with sniper add PS4 for Kings fall PSN Obamatoss
I just want to do the raid on my ps4 Psn-ameer98742
Looking to run raid. 291 warlock. ps4 psn: baikbaik
Joining kingsfall raid
Looking for raid group xbox1
Need two guardians add xmr_turn3rx
Looking for team to run, glyph check point, ps4, titan
Looking for decent fireteam for kings fall I don't care what checkpoint I am 294 light ⚠️Xbox 360⚠️
Hunter- 294 and Warlock-297, looking for Golgoroth or further. GT: KoolDude62 ((No Mics but we know what to do.))
Looking to run raid for the first time 297 hunter ps4
Level 293 warlock need 5 for fresh run: gamer tag: same as above(football luke68
290 warlock looking to do this raid for first time someone invite me
Hunter- 294 and Warlock-297, looking for Golgoroth or further. GT: KoolDude62 ((No Mics but we know what to do.))
Edited by SometimeTripod: 10/8/2015 7:00:09 PMLooking for nightfall team, never run it before lvl 40 293 light warlock, invite please Xbox 360
[b][/b]fresh run kings fall need 4 must have already run raid inbox gt ste sharpshoot
Warlock lvl293 searching for raid pls invite
295 hunter been in kf raid before but not finished yet keen to get it done gt same as above on xb1
293 Light Hunter w/ mic Looking for team Gt xUniqueReflexes XB1
We need 2 more people to help us finish the raid for the first time. Please help! We are all 293+ light. Message me on Xbox
Want to give it a shot bushman-101 Ps3 I have a mic
299 hunter. lookin for war priest cp or room before. know what to do. msg me before inviting.
Edited by mrnuma: 10/8/2015 6:49:18 PMneed 1 more for fresh start message mrnuma xbox one
Moderate experience Hunter Light 284 Fresh for raid Xbox gamertag: thelanecolson