Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
I've done this quite a few times. Happy to run people through. Helpful to be 290+ but we can go if you're just below - with any luck you'll get some drops that'll help PSN above - Add / Join
289 warlock Xbox one looking for a raid to join #noob #mic gamer tag. cRop stinks
Need 2 for raid Psn Mjr_Cxnt
301 Titan Have done raid once and would like more experience (and the fragments) GT same as name XB1
Edited by Luke: 10/21/2015 11:30:05 PMLf 4 on xbox one who are first time raiders. Gt: its kyle omg message me for inv 290+ please
Looking for a fresh start 296 hunter invite realbinsane
I'm on Xbox1 U.S. Central timezone DestinySlayer75 I lost my mic so it will be hard to communicate.
Ps4 - I'm working in my titan, level 295. With all raid weapons. I've done the raid and is willing to help those of you who haven't. Add skate4lifex3 if you need one. Or we can start a group :)
Need 5 for Daughters CP. Havent finished raid yet but want to get done today. Add same
Need one Add Mjr_Cxnt and join
Lookin for fresh raid I finished it like 5 times. Please Invite PSN ajay655
Two inexperienced hunters looking to do Kingsfall one 298 and one 290. Both have mics.
293 looking for fresh run GT STIICK
Got sisters Cp need 5 add as above
Need 5 for golgorths cp gt same as above msg for inv
Have oryx cp. Need 5. Gt realzero777
290 Hunter looking to do the raid for the first time. Any veterans or experienced players want to help me through it. I follow directions well and I'm ready to go. I'm on PS4 add joker5255. I will need 5
Warlock level 293, looking for first Taken King raid. Xbox One. Have mic.
296 light titan looking lf team to join. I need help for my first time running...xbox1 Gt same
Kings fall raid cp golgoroth must know wat to do and please have a good sniper and please be 295+ message XxDaRkViPeR32Xx Xbox 360
Looking for group to do kings fall my first time I'm 290 light gt chuvewdemon
303 hunter looking to help newer players, listen and be 295+ are the only requirements, add ChiefMezzie for invite. Note due to previous issues, if you repeatedly fail to listen to explanation of mechanics you will be kicked
Edited by Aegon 410: 10/21/2015 4:08:05 AM299 light Hunter looking to do the Kings Fall raid for the First time. I learn quick. Know some parts of the raid. Not a complainer. Xbox One Gamertag is Mike x410x
Raid? twice, literally was carried by good experienced players. But, i want to learn all mechanics specially jumping puzzle. I know this is asking for 4+ hrs.... Add --> wiwoh007 PS4
looking for 4 for daughters cp on ps4, psn is shubudagunter55
I'm a 297 titan looking for first time run. PS3, name is AsTheyBurn. Please if your going to freak out after 1 person dies don't add me lol.