Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Xb1 need 1 for kings fall fresh run 290+ please Same GT
Level 292 looking for a raid to join gamertag above
Two lvl 295+ never done before but have watched videos looking for a group
Two warlock 290 plus on psn never done kings fall before need help and WIR3D_AssassinN1 and join
I'm playing on Xbox 360 trying to do the raid for the first time please message me if you need a player thank you
Looking for someone with Oryx cp add stuckonfour20
hey i send INSANEWINKY a message to add me i'll help peeps and also need help for certain things too so ... yea
Need 1 more for warpriest msg chiefkirby joining us you won't miss out on raid gear only a few shards from a fresh run
292 warlock looking for an invite for this raid Xbox one
looking for 4 persons to do the raid. Dont care if youre experienced just wanna play this thing. Psn. jenseee82
Great post! A breath of fresh air thank you! :)
293 Light Hunter w/ mic Looking for team Gt xUniqueReflexes
293 Titan needing help to finish raid for the first time.
I will be on in about 2 1/2-3 hours to attempt to run the raid. If anyone would like to run the raid and learn how it all works, please reply to this and I will do my best to help explain and walk you through the raid. My only requirement is that you be 285 and up so that you can hold your ground at points as well as deal considerable damage in DPS phases. I am on Xbox One as BeastAndre2010. I will start the raid when I get home. See some of you soon!
I could do with some help Add RaidenMist
Need 2 more for warpriest checkpoint msg chiefkirby for inv.
Ps4 needs 2 now! Fresh run first time we do this
PSN TheKingCorso 296 warlock really need to do fresh raid. Haven't gotten to try. Add TheKingCorso
PS4 Titan needing to raid!
need 2 for raid , at totems right now msg me gt is same as name
Edited by Headless Hydrah: 10/8/2015 5:21:43 PMmy first time doing raid, looking for group. im on 360.
Edited by OperatingWally: 10/8/2015 5:12:42 PMTitan lvl 290 need a group I haven't done the raid yet though Xbox 360 Gamertag same as above
292 Sun breaker lfg first run. Not retarded, reading the strats. Add triznops
Edited by UtmostUnicorn: 10/8/2015 5:12:51 PM298 hunter 0 experience Help! Gt: UtmostUnicorn Need a group Xbox one
Need 1 more for fresh run Message me on Xbox xAdamFletcher Must be at least 295 want a quick run!!! Xbox one
Warlock light lvl 294 LFG Psn =Dredd_Omega310