Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need someone with a FULLY CHARGED AGONARCH RUNE!! Add MrMonstrosity4 on PS4! Help me and I will help you find all calcified fragments! Please!
Looking to raid 40/290 Titan gt as above xbox1
299 hunter. only done up to war priest. happy to join a team with limited or no experience. aiming to meet a group, who i can raid regularly with. gt same as above. msg before inviting only request is no kids.
titan level 40 305 + looking for players or join team to do ORYX CHEKPOINT. MSG ME If u need a relic runner for oryx!... DONT HAVE TO BE EXPERIENCED, FIRST TIMERS ARE WELCOME. U have time to finish the raid!! U R TEAMPLAYER AND HAVE A MIC! U can msg me on my xbox one gamertag same as above NO 1 DIE5ELTJE i beat the raid every week( 30x ) on all my characters , JUST HELPING OTHERS FOR FUN.. ( no kids and kinect!!)
Looking to do raid . Just me.297 hunter. Expeience in the raid aswel gt is XOeab
Need 2 for kings raid 293+ We never done it before Add me Sammyboii12
im looking for a team for the kings raid, never done it before. i am a hunter with 287 light on ps3. my psn name is dannyanator
titan level 40 305 + looking for players or join team to do ORYX CHEKPOINT. MSG ME If u need a relic runner for oryx!... DONT HAVE TO BE EXPERIENCED, FIRST TIMERS ARE WELCOME. U have time to finish the raid!! U R TEAMPLAYER AND HAVE A MIC! U can msg me on my xbox one gamertag same as above NO 1 DIE5ELTJE i beat the raid every week( 30x ) on all my characters , JUST HELPING OTHERS FOR FUN.. ( no kids and kinect!!)
Need help with the first firewall quest, add psn luna_saji
Looking to raid 40/290 Titan gt as above xbox1
Edited by Kr1tical_Effect: 10/8/2015 3:14:39 PMHey Im Kr1tical Effect and I'm pretty new to Ps4 (but not to destiny) I have been formerly a destiny Xbox 360 user and leader of Death Raiderz (a pretty small but successful Xbox 360 clan). Now I'm back on destiny I'm currently looking new members 4 my new clan I just made. We do raids, nightfall, weekly heroics, just about anything and everything so if u need a hand with something just ask. Pls help out and join. Thx :) Recommend: Light level over 270/280 Pretty active (4hour a day is fine) No age limit ( if your 12 I don't care we're just here to have fun not exclude ppl just cause of their age) All these r recommendations so even if u r not active or light level is 180 or something u can still join and we'll help u out Thx 4 reading hope u guys will join. And the link is below to go to the clan to join Join here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1286219
Looking for team to do kings fall. First timer. Got mic. Hunter 290 light GT above.
293 Hunter Looking to do a fresh run First time Add me Sammyboii12
295 Warlock looking for fresh raid add psn TXNDXXP Thanks.
Edited by FiftyCaliberr: 10/8/2015 3:07:45 PM297 warlock with dead orbit scouts, 1000 yard and ruin awake I also have truth and I can make myself 299 but I have to use bolt caster I have previous experience on y1 raid And I have mic I'm just looking for a group that have patient teaching me and have fun at the same time Fresh on normal would be nice Add fifty-caliberr
293 warlock with high impact sniper. First time running it. Would appreciate an invite. TheMrPackage on X1
293 Warlock gt: BlindJackDeath
293 warlock with experience up to the war priest. I would greatly appreciate it if I could join a group. I listen well; best of all, I am not a squeaker. Gt above Xbox one
seting up a raid if you want to join add me names same as above
299 Titan looking to do deathsingers for the first time Gt as above:)
warlock 295 hunter 294 haven't done the raid yet would like to give it a go ps4 the_grimreaper1 on after 5pm uk time because of work and kid
same add me if you want
titan level 40 305 + looking for players to do ORYX CHEKPOINT. MSG ME If u need a relic runner for oryx!... DONT HAVE TO BE EXPERIENCED, FIRST TIMERS ARE WELCOME. U have time to finish the raid!! U R TEAMPLAYER AND HAVE A MIC! U can msg me on my xbox one gamertag same as above NO 1 DIE5ELTJE i beat the raid every week on all my characters, JUST HELPING OTHERS. ( no kids and kinect!!)
293 warlock with experience up to the war priest. I would greatly appreciate it if I could join a group. I listen well; best of all, I am not a squeaker. Gt above
Hunter Light 295 looking to do raid. Gt: ReAl ImPuLsE
294 WL lf fresh raid, msg Spactibus (XB1)