Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
294 WL lf fresh raid, msg Spactibus (XB1)
Trying to get through the raid, light 289, been stuck on there just looking to see if I can get any gear, GT same as name above xbox 360.
Looking to get raid done i am 294 light hunter please add robtheboy1988 ps4 - want some new stuff
Looking for war priest cp gt: jdt_hys 288 light
looking for a fresh raid (XB1), i havent done the taken king before but im a fast learner GT: Figure 91 i have 291 light
295-296 Titan, I have experience with all parts of the raid but have only done it once! Now i want to do it on my alt so if anyone needs someone who has a mic has patience and isn't an ass hole Please Invite Spanksta x XBOX one
297 warlock looking for first time raid ps4 add thundermuscle91
297 titan for daughters cp
296 hunter at oryx. Need 5. Xb1
294 titan. I've never done the raid but I'm a great listener and have a mic. Xb1. Gt same as above.
Looking to do a fresh run, does not matter if you have not done raid before or know what to do i will guide you through. I would prefere you to be a minimum of 290 light message UK D0MINATI0N (zero for 'o' ) if you want in
Titan looking for grupp GT same as name
Xb1 at oryx now. Need 5
Edited by Transcalent: 10/8/2015 1:18:03 PM293 warlock have experience up till after the war priest add transcalent, ps4
at war priest cp add backhandslapshot ive done this before i would like people that have done the raid please and thank you just want to get this done
LFG 292 hunter GT same as above hit me up on xbone
looking for a fresh start on the raid havent done it before but can pick it up quickly. invite me GT: Figure 91
298 Hunter looking to complete the raid for the first time. Have got to Warpriest before. GT as above, Xbox One.
Lvl 295 warlock...looking for fresh run for kings fall add curley88
299 warlock looking to do the raid
Level 295 hunter new to King's Fall looking for a team. I'm at the the Daughters of Oryx cp. If interested add me or send a message. My names the same as the forum.
I'm Looking to do First time KF raid. Add Lunie380 ps4
Please invite panda1994x lvl 298 warlock first time taken raid
297 Hunter looking to do raid for first time, have only seen it done on youtube. Invite Starkinnovation on xbox one
298 Warlock looking to join a strong raid team for a fresh run. Can hold my own, know every part of the raid, and have a mic. Have never beaten Oryx due to constantly finding inexperienced raid teams. Anyone willing to help me beat this? Add ChaseyPain187
add me 297 hunter MIke2_Ao i play everyday from 12am till 7am central american time