Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking for a first time fresh run with experienced players. I'm a 294 warlock with a mic.
LF4M Fresh Run, need two Titan defenders. 295+ light and weapon level only. Must be experienced and know what they're doing. Must have a mic. Add l3lueLivesMatter (l3 is a lowercase L3) or Warrpaul95
Looking for 4 for nightfall 290+ fresh run. Message on Xbox for invite Gt above.
Looking for a raid clan/guild for awhile now. New to the taken king but been building my character. Hunter light level 268 and rising. Look forward to hearing from someone :) Boyney
290 hunter looking for help with first run! GT : TUTSACK17. Thanks!
Looking for a group for a fresh raid, warlock light 296. invite or message thewackygrizzly. have done up to the golgoroth
[XBOX ONE] need 2 Glyph check point Must be 295+ light Msg for inv G0lden Sniper 5
Edited by Perimeter: 10/8/2015 1:11:37 AM290 Titan looking to get my first run out of the way so that I can say that I'm experienced. Maybe even pick up an item or two so that I can reach that, " nah, bruh you're not 395 light" kind of status. =/ XB1 gt: onemorefate
PS4 Oryx CP need 5 for quick burn. psn is same as name add me!
Looking for a fresh run I'm at light 291 no experience
x MRMaster x 292 light. New
Need 4 for oryx check point please be over level 300 thanks love you lol jk that's gey join me msg DxLEGION for invite
292 hunter LFG For fresh run I'm a first time raider but have mic and will listen! Add above or comment!
need 3 for fresh run 295+ message: shan3 in i mix : for invite
new to destiny currently have a hunter 261 light. would love to try the kings fall. hope to hear back from someone. psn:N13M013
Looking for fire team first time raid light level 292 titan add me if you have a open spot. Psn: Payaso713
Looking to join a group. Light lvl 296 titan. Haven't seen too much of raid. PSN OneWingedAngelF7
i'm a first timer that would like a crack at kings fall. warlock 293. add DarkCloudXD if you have an open spot
Pendayhoh PS4 light level 294, would love some help with the raid, if anyone doesnt mind helping me out maybe we can get a group going? thanks guys!
im on 360 looking for any fellow first time raiders to play with, hmu.
Warlock light lvl 291 Psn =Dredd_Omega310