Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
292 Hunter looking to run this raid for the first time. Can anyone help out?
294 hunter looking to do the raid for the first time xboxone gt thelittlejoker
Looking to raid 295 titan got as far as the sisters.. add as above
I would like to do the raid have done up to golgoroth.
Doing touch of malice quest hunger pangs defeat wizard and claim essence of feast Message on [u][b]Xbox 360[/b][/u] if you need it also
would love to have a raid team get me through oryx please I've done all but this raid old team won't help with this on so here I am
Need 5 for Daughters CP. Just bring a mic and give it a go
Need one at totems. Gt realzero777
Looking for a team to run a fresh raid. Gt realzero777
light level 297 titan looking to do kings fall for the first time. psn:MikeyHunt09901
Edited by rocketraj: 10/20/2015 5:31:08 PM
Started a new topic: Ps4 raid: need 5 players(1 Reply)
295 Hunter, not much experience at all looking to be invited into a fresh Kings Fall run for Xbox One, invite away. CuriousRoy
Looking for a team for a fresh run -light level: doesn't matter -experience: appreciated but not necessary and will be taught -patience is a must towards any party member Psn: Leviathan9653
Need 5 for fresh run. GT Above.
297 hunter looking to do first kings raid Xbox one Gt trashbat1
292 titan looking for experience if anyone can help??
looking to do raid from any cp, I have also got patience and time :P my gt: justafreak1
I'll be hosting kings fall for first timers Requirements: 285+ A sniper A mic And most importantly patience for others
Looking to do the raid Hunter LL 295
helping a friend through first raid ,need 1 more for gogoroth add ps4 washman9.
Looking to do War priest im 282 Titan " i have the sleeper" I've done the raid four times on my hunter who's 303 Xbox one
We all start somewhere. I've been there. Add me on PS4.: [√] 304 warlock [ ] 299 hunter [ ] 297 titan
need 1 more for warpriest add ps4 washman9.
Looking to do raid for fun have done plenty times gamer tag same above
289 titan looking to join kings fall raid group psn Nexosis PS4
Need 4 for daughters, never done it before, would appreciate any help we could get, add AnBu_07 ps4