Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
At Oryx checkpoint. Need a group of 5. Add PSN Page2210
[quote]Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that... We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes... Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack.... Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on.... Or message INSANEWINKY for invite to Dark ark survivors clan... good bunch of guardians always willing to help each other with raids quests etc http://darkarksurvivors.weebly.com/contacts.html ********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ******** Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo[/quote] Would love to join ps4 donkeydirt
Looking for group to do fresh raid. I know fight through daughters. PSN Page2210
looking for fresh start, 297 light I've done the raid several times. xbox one gt justafreak1
289 warlock need help killing oryx with good team that can explain or even carry a player who doesn't know how to do it PS4 add cam3490
296 warlock looking for a fresh run some experience but not completed the raid yet add IMrSmith92 if you think you can help (PS4)
Edited by QwalifydNGU: 10/19/2015 12:28:25 PM249 Titan. I have thumbs so I can slay, and follow directions. I need to get carried due to light. Have beaten Crota and V.O.G on hard with a six, just looking for new people to play with and maybe help me bring up my light. PSN: QwalifydNGU PS3
Looking for people to do tk raid fresh run im well experience and a heavy hitter im light 290+ message dragoneye9018 ps4
Looking to join a Fresh Run, Totems or War Priest. 287 Lock - 3rd Character I know what to do and I have Malice and Raid Sniper. I need to get this done by tomorrow! Inv FluX ExploiT Xbox 1[quote][/quote]
Edited by andyfeelme: 10/19/2015 11:42:23 AMStarting fresh run need 5 add andyfeelme ps4
Looking for a fresh run I've watched play throughs but this will be my first time. 291 hunter message me GT: llewellyn666
Looking for fresh run...
298 looking to do the raid for first time Have seen some videos and i have an idea what to do , but of course is not the same like u get experince playing yourself. If u are willing to help and have or looking for a fireteam pls. add albanian_boy_ (ps4)
looking to do raid for first time on xbox1, anyone interested just send me an invite, gt is Moonziee
Looking for kings raid gt Same as above I'm a Titan
Hi need help with oryx raid. I've not killed oryx, but have a check point at oryx, thank you, ps3 Mike4425-JS
Need fresh run 295 KSI Benjie got mic
Looking for 3 people for kings fall add john300uk ps3
Edited by Calabastaa: 10/19/2015 9:45:51 AMLooking for team to join. Don't mind where you guys are in the raid. only know bits of the raid but will listen and have a mic too. My light is 298 on Xbox one. GT: Blitzendragon
Looking to run raid for 1st time, played since launch but all my mates have ps4 so haven't managed to get a fireteam together. Will listen to instruction, read a playthrough so kind of have an idea. Warlock Xbox 1 Gt - dave20081983 Drop me an invite
Edited by mr Jeffrey: 10/19/2015 5:05:09 AMill bang out a raid if anyone wants help, on the xbone one gt justafreak1 although I'm only 297 light
Anyone willing to help out a few KF virgins on the 360? My GT is Brokn Barrel
Looking to run raid for first time. Basic understanding of most concepts. 290+ Titan with mic ready. PS4: BrandonPaulis
299 warlock needs help getting through first raid... Knowledgeable up to second boss mic ready...Add mannyz77 psn
298 titan needing to beat oryx for first time. Know some mechanics but have never beaten him. Would like to join a group that would help me. I would gladly return the favor. Add kcidakcusog1
[b]Looking for people to run raids got 2 people with mics who are over 290 light on the Xbox 360 gt alchemy07 [/b]