Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
[b]Looking for people to run raids got 2 people with mics who are over 290 light on the Xbox 360 gt alchemy07 [/b]
296 titan, still need to beat the daughters and Oryx sorta understand the mechanics just need a more experienced player to show me the ropes. PSN dan_B_S79. My son did the other parts of the raid. I have a hard time finding time to play. I'll be on for a couple more hours. I'll be waiting.
Looking to raid for the first time. 292 Titan. Ps4 and I have a mic
300 warlock looking for a raid team add same as above ps4
Need 3 for fresh run. Message: Rocket Billy on Xbox one
Looking to do the raid for the first time. 292 Titan. I have a 1000 yard stare. PS4
Edited by L_G_31: 10/19/2015 12:57:36 AM296 Warlock with glyphs CP. I only know how to do a few parts of the raid. Need 5 more. PS4.
Love to start fresh run tonight with anyone add luda-chris85 on PSN
Need 2 at glyphs. I'm completed it many times, 303-305. My buddies have not, theyre not idiots and are very familiar with the game. Send message to I Use Extenze16 for invite
Need one for Oryx cp, add clicker00
Oryx cp, need 3, all 298 light level, not experienced
Edited by lindstrom123: 10/19/2015 12:12:26 AMNeed 4 oryx cp experienced only
Edited by Realzero777: 10/18/2015 11:52:15 PMNeed 4 to run golgoroth cp. I have cp. Gt realzero777 for xbox1
Looking for a group to pick me up for raid (PS4). Only experienced up to first boss. Light level 295 with Black Spindle. Add lEsoteric (l is a lower case L)
Edited by LocDogg40s: 10/18/2015 11:24:34 PMNeed 3 for fresh run, trying to help my 2 buddies through their first raid playthrough...eperience an some patience would help, message locdogg40s in game for an invite. Thanks in advance. Xbox One
305 hunter looking to help first timers?
Lf fresh run on ps4. Need 4 at 290+ light. Any lvl of experience with the raid welcomed.
First timer looking for raid group. Light 292, Warlock PSN same, add and I'll join
Never done raid before 297 Hunter GT: rN Snowball Send help
299 with raid weapons and black spindle, completed before GT: Richard Napthen Fresh run if possible
294 warlock lf raid have experience to gorgoroth ps4
Xbox one, 290 titan with golgoroth cp, meed 5 to help, message for invite gt is same
Need a full team for raid
down to help any1psn: x-god-omega-x
I need some ppl for daughters cp and pls be atleast 294 light
PS 4 PSN: ColourfulMoods Hunter 297 Looking to join more experienced fireteam to aid me in finishing king´s fall raid for the first time. I have the golgoroth checkpoint.