Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
PS 4 PSN: ColourfulMoods Hunter 297 Looking to join more experienced fireteam to aid me in finishing king´s fall raid for the first time. I have the golgoroth checkpoint.
Edited by Srgt Ares: 10/18/2015 8:59:32 PMNeed group to help with deathsingers cp Good player learning ropes please help before reset. Srgt-Ares- Psn
First timer looking for raid group. Light 292, Warlock PSN same, add and I'll join
Need one more at golgoroth xboxone gt same as above
Add bboy-duckie for fresh run need 5
306 hunter looking for team with golgoroth cp message me
Add bboy-duckie for fresh run need 5
Add bboy-duckie for a fresh run 5 ppl needed
Add bboy-duckie for fresh run need 5 ppl also new myself
Need 4 for fresh run
I got me and my buddy looking for kings fall. Im a hunter LL 297 with ToM and Black Spindle. My buddy is LL 296 with black spindle. Looking for a fresh start with a chill group. Gt is Emperor Seven 7
Im Looking for a casual raid group to join that doesn't mind helping others. I'm light 297 warlock. Only did the raid once. Have 300 black spindle PSN: bOsSmAn76_
Edited by Vort3X B3ATS: 10/18/2015 6:52:19 PMIf a team needs an experienced person for the raid inv me I have touch I'm on the Xbox one
Xbox 360 Kings fall sisters light level 290+ Msg laughablepengu for an invite
First timer. Icebear 18 13. 291 light
Level 293 hunter looking to do my first kings fall raid if anyone is helping noobs gt Vrolik94
If anyone needs one inv GOON801 297 hunter
291/293 light i no basically wat im doing but never done it before Looking for a team
Light 292 warlock looking for 5 people for oryx cp. Know what to do, just need a little help since it's my first time. Add funkyrp
Looking for group have Mic first time running and in it for the long run on the xbox360 gamer tag is alchemy07
Lvl 297 hunter Have done up to oryx Looking for fresh Xbox one
Edited by Jacaro: 10/18/2015 12:40:43 PMLevel 297 looking for fresh run First time and no mic but know what to do Gt jacaro228 j Xbox One
First timer here level 298 titan on xbox one Gt sick Lil trick
Hunter is looking for warpriest CP Add CE_4194
296 hunter and 297 warlock looking for a group for first run through :) - PS4 Psn: Mewingloki and Spectra65x
Looking for some experienced guardians to help me and my two friends learn the raid All three of us are 290+ Have good weapons Will listen and make sure to pay attention All have mics MSG Stashnaklov for inv