Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking for some experienced guardians to help me and my two friends learn the raid All three of us are 290+ Have good weapons Will listen and make sure to pay attention All have mics MSG Stashnaklov for inv
Need 4 more for ship jumping puzzle must be 295+
Have oryx check point first time need help message cooldoc1
297 hunter looking for daughters or oryx. Gt same xbone
Need two people for kings raid must be well experienced and have 298 light and above add TheLazyGAMER55 ORYX CP
Need 4 experienced players to help me and friend out with sister cp and oryx
Never doné the raíz looking forma a raid team.
296 hunter looking for a group to do raid. Have not done it all and would like to do it for the first time. My gt is N1GHTF34R and I'm on xbox one.
GT is same as above
Need 2 for kings fall. Must be 290 and up and have a good sniper and know what to do
302 hunter. looking for totems or fresh :) done the raid, but happy to help out others.
Hi I have an oryx checkpoint, but I've never fought him before. I've done everything up to him, some help would be awesome. Add bloody_ar_killa
297 hunter looking for Oryx. Know what to do and can run torn. Gt : OcRz Cliche. Xbone
Looking for a fresh run. Graspin pickles.
290 titan looking to do a raid run, invite gt is same
Looking for a chill group to do the raid
296 warlock looking for fresh raid group add bountykilla866
296 warlock.....looking for fresh raid group add boutnykilla866
Need 5 for the daughters cp I know what to do 296 hunter
If anyone needs help with raids feel free to add me and send msg Deadlysins58 302 warlock
Xbox one, 290 titan looking to do first raid run on this, invite me gt is same
Xbox one, 295 hunter, have 1000 yard stare and dead orbit scout rifle. I have raided in vanilla wow in the past, so I'm used to following orders. Looking to raid later this evening or night. Message gt Hipno Slug. Thanks!
292 Hunter first time
Level 288 Titan looking to raid. I've done it several times, just working on a new character. I know what I'm doing. Gamer tag's the same.
Looking to do the raid just add me got all day/looking for older crew