Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking to do the raid just add me got all day/looking for older crew
Golgoroth CP Need 2 Lvl 297 Hunter Xbox one
Need 1 for oryx cp. must have mic and 295+ light. Gamer tag same as above
293 titan looking for kf first time add psn marc0109
295 warlock Looking to do kings fall for the first time Add name above psn
I have an Oryx CP and I need 5 badasses to help kill him. I haven't killed him yet but I know what I have to do. Add or message me (Odyzi) for an invite. We will start it in about 2-2 1/2 hours (PS4) I'm only 294 so having some 299-310 players would make my ankles pretty moist
Ok so never finished the raid and blessed with an oryx cp... Need 5 very skilled players to help me finish... Never done this part before so would really appreciate the help... Psn same as above also need to have a mic... I want to learn
291 Hunter leave looking to do the raid first time.
294 Titan please help no mic have sleeper
Ok so never finished the raid and blessed with an oryx cp... Need 5 very skilled players to help me finish... Never done this part before so would really appreciate the help... Psn same as above also need to have a mic... I want to learn
304 Titan helping some friends on oryx for the first time. They know the fight we could get all the help we can get add the name above on ps4
Edited by camron10196: 10/18/2015 5:03:04 PMLevel 290 Titan looking for a fresh run PS4 camron10196
Need 3 for fresh run. Gt wuhunter1
Anyone have a spot for 1 unexperienced player? I'm a lvl 294 hunter that wants to learn how to do the raid... Ps4 name same as above I have a mic
Looking for fellow first timers Ps4. Add manicdrake and lwalker 69
Edited by RyanShurry: 10/18/2015 2:20:24 PMAnyone have a spot for 1 unexperienced player? I'm a lvl 294 hunter that wants to learn how to do the raid... Ps4 name same as above I have a mic
Edited by xoEJxo: 10/18/2015 2:55:46 PM290+ Hunter with good weapons wanting to learn raid, thanks!. PS4 xoEJxo
299 warlock 295 titan looking to do kf.ps4 No drama Queens
Looking for group. 295 hunter with mic. Some experience. Ps4. Skipper1175
Need 1 experienced guardians to help out 2 of my friends that have never done the raid before. Fresh kings fall. Gamer tag same as above
295 Warlock SolaireSunnyD (PS4) have a mic
Add me @canttellyoubro ps4
Fresh Kings fall 295+ Msg for invite
Looking for 4 more experienced players
Looking for 5 295+ for Golgoroth CP Must know what you are doing I am a decent gazecatcher so don't worry about that Msg Twomocomin for an inv
Edited by Onines: 10/18/2015 11:05:12 AMLooking for 4 to do fresh King fall on PS4 add: Onines this will be my first time all is welcome!!