Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Anyone doing raid I'm a 304 titan looking to help
Hey everybody. This is Edward from Heavenly Flow on PS4. Myself and 3 other members are looking to help some newer guys go through the raid on normal. Add me on PSN @ edwardsheely. Let's play
Looking for fresh run add jpacheco004
I'll help anyone as long as its a fresh run
Looking to run fresh normal mode oryx raid. 308 warlock with Tom and Black Spindle. Looking to help out anyone. Message me on Xbox one. gt Huskerz80
303 titan here looking to do the raid for the first time ive looked at some you tube vids so i have an idea what to do, just need to put it to practice :)
If anyone needs help I've don't oryx hard heaps I'm here to help new player in raid xb1 gt above 315 hunter
Looking for 4, 314 hunter, Trying to help a friend complete oryx cp for first time. PSN Odokwan
Need one more. Message [u]Schiess Rocks[/u]
Looking for people to do the raid. I have a 296 warlock and have a friend or two if needed. Invite me if you are willing to let me join. Same name for gamertag
315 hunter here looking to carry my 295 friend through normal for the first time. Looking for people to join us that are willing to help and be patient, and not be ass nuggets. 300+ preferred. Thx.
Normal raid add join 295+ know what you are doing
315 hunter here looking to carry my 295 friend through normal for the first time. Looking for people to join us that are willing to help and be patient, and not be ass nuggets.
294 warlock anyone want to help me do the raid
No time to explain quest ! Ps4 : vault of glass! Need 3 ppl add Outlaw-jc
Looking to do the raid I'm a 302 titan add jpacheco004 on ps4
317 Titan on Xbox one. Looking to help some people through the raid. Send me an invite
[b][i][u][Ps3] King's Fall Raid[/u][/i][/b] Need 2 290+ Players with or without mics Comment if interested.
I'm a 303 Hunter wth little Oryx experience in need of 5 guardians for Oryx cp, no preferred light level, or weapons, but must know how to do this. MSG GT: The Navajo96
Looking for 3 people to raid tonight, experienced or not. Start time will be 9 to 9 30 P.M. EST Mic will be required. Most of the guys I'm taking thru are new to raid but current levels and class are: 309 Hunter 303 Titan 299 Titan Looking for chill fun group so they can have a good experience.
Hi... happy to sherpa some some first timers through... message as above... say for about 9.30gmt
I need 5 people for kings raid (normal) Orix checkpoint, everybody is welcome Better if you know what to do msg me 4 invt GT: tRoLL tLaQh
Need 2 for normal raid helping sum first time friends so chill ppl only
Oryx checkpoint. I need 5 experienced and patient players. I have been this far several times but never killed the king. Psn: aft-10
Bump this thread
Want to do a raid, have somebody with me. If anyone is up for one hit me up. Ps4 same name as above