Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by Onines: 10/18/2015 11:05:12 AMLooking for 4 to do fresh King fall on PS4 add: Onines this will be my first time all is welcome!!
290 hunter looking to do the raid for the first time. Watched walkthroughs online so I do have some idea. Also have a black spindle and a headset. PSN ArinCuzziie
Edited by IMrSmith92: 10/18/2015 11:21:19 AM295 warlock looking for a team for a fresh run done parts of the raid before but never completed the raid add IMrSmith92 if you can help (PS4)
Looking to join at sisters checkpoint. 302 Titan Xbox one
Got three need three more for fresh start on raid. Add KaoticHavoc
Doing kf need 2. Gt same as above.
Doing kf fresh need 4. We'll be using Skype to chat so if ya want to join send us your Skype name my gt is same as above.
I need help on sisters 283 titan
296 Warlock looking to do raid. I've plateaued at this light level. I've gotten to oryx twice. Gt is Rojosantos32 just invite
Edited by Uprised Guy xx: 10/16/2015 7:47:35 PMLooking for level 290+ for kings fall raid from start message me for invite on Xbox Uprised Guy xx
RaidHelp101 is a clan of skilled, dedicated raiders who work together daily, helping the community complete Destiny's end game content. Console Xbox One Checkpoints Fresh runs begin at Annihilator Totems and end killing Oryx. We also run Oryx checkpoints for those who need it. Requirements Follow us on twitch http://www.twitch.tv/raidhelp101 Join us on stream and wait to get pulled via raffle (best way to keep it fair) Have a Mic or Kinect and be at least light level 280. Founder IMA EATurSOUL Members https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/780007 Follow To stay connected with when we will be helping raid follow us here http://www.twitch.tv/raidhelp101 http://www.twitch.tv/blazydayz and here https://twitter.com/RaidHelp101 Clan Leader Stats https://www.bungie.net/en/Grimoire/1/4611686018429570004/Activities/Raids?_unlocked=False
290 warlock looking for fresh. Ps4 same name
Going to bump this post because its good
Edited by Georgius100: 10/18/2015 4:50:12 AMI am a new timer needing help bc i cannot play because they dont let me i am not very high Xb1 Gt: georgius100 Warlock 292/293 Msg me on xbl if want to play
Edited by Champ: 10/18/2015 4:44:51 AMHosting golgoroth cp need full team and need some people with experience for sure. PS4
Can I raid? Ps4 w/ mic. Only 293 light but decent player.
301-304 Titan willing to help anyone out. psn papa_cow123
Edited by Cruzcible: 10/18/2015 4:03:59 AMNeed two to help three first timers Gt: Cruzcible Totems checkpoint 290+
294 hunter lf fresh, ps4.
297 hunter looking for first time kings fall... Xb1.... Message duhast3466
PS4 need 4 for oryx please be 290 plus and have mic add bred325
PS4 Raid rookie here. Lfg for fresh raid. 296 Warlock, learn quick.
294 hunter and 293 titan lf fresh raid. We're completely blind.
I have never completed, but have the golgoroth cp Titan 296 PS4 GT cuzimjayfit
Need 2 fresh run 294+ light, if you don't know that's fine.
293 Titan looking for a raid group