Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need 3 more for oryx 290+ msg Endergamer26 preferred for having a defender Titan and won't rage quit or get salty
Am a 301 hunter got oryx just need help Xbox 360
Need 2 more for kings fall raid
Edited by ViolableSnow: 10/17/2015 5:23:49 PM[Xbox one] I need 5 people for kings fall raid. I have Golgoroth cp I'm a 295 hunter Message me : ViolableSnow
willing to help warpriest need 3 gt is same xbone
Need one more for kingfall freah xboxone
hi, i have oryz cp; i need 5 great players who have yet completed it. (show your emblem). add me: Federico-Toso join. thx
Edited by LAZY: 10/17/2015 5:07:20 PMNeed two people to join our raid team starting fresh just need two well experienced players to help you need to be 300 or above add TheLazyGAMER55 PS4 ONLY
306 warlock looking to help first timers inv GT steveboi1985
Xbox One, Looking for an Oryx CP as people i got to left and haven't done it since. I'm a Warlock 297 please help Inv Mxd1000
Looking for a team to do fresh run Warlock light 298 Gamer tag bleedlnout
Running fresh raid need 4 ps4 psn:DavJero
Is anyone at golgoroths cellar to quickly get the calcified fragment?
Need 4 more for kings fall raid xbone message senpai himself for invite
At Golgoroth's Cellar Checkpoint for X1 I am also new to the raid. Just looking for people to help me out. add or message me, GT: x10TH D0CT0Rx (o's are zeroes) I am a 294 Hunter
i have oryx checkpoint need 3. GT: blue_Viper_15
Looking for three guardians for Golgoroth message RebelChimpster for invite, Xbox One
Hosting a fresh kingsfall run gt senpai himself bring friends so we don't have to wait long to start
Need 1 more for oryx cp add az1015
Group of 5 looking for one more to go in raid for first time. Message SSJExcal
Ps4 never done before, 296 hunter add InternetKat_
On Xbox one need help on touch of malice need 2 recruits. Message me for invite gamer tag same as above.
Edited by Minerman12345: 10/17/2015 4:03:01 PM296 Hunter looking for a raid team on 360. Have done raid up to Golgoroth Would like to learn daughters and Oryx
Edited by shaggyman1234: 10/17/2015 4:13:04 PMI need help. Just want to learn how. Level 292 hunter or can be level 293 titan. Just want to learn.yes, I have a mic.PS4 Msg me and ill join you.
Looking for three people to do oryx must be above 290 message me on Xbox 360 for invite Uprised Guy xx
Anyone wanna help me level up my light from 282 to 290?