Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Anyone wanna help me level up my light from 282 to 290?
292 warlock looking to do kings fall n
Need 1 for daughters must have exp and be 300 + message Smashclub81 for inv
Ps4, I have gotten to oryx but didnt have the time to kill him before reset. Im a 294 Warlock, message me if you are at oryx or just looking for one more player.
Hey I'd like to join a group for Kings Fall raid. I have experience with the whole thing except Oryx. Message me or invite me or whatever if you want me. System: XB1 GT: Dirtcake007 Class: Warlock Subclass: Any Level: 40 Light level: 293/296
Golgroth checkpoint Players needed have not done this part of raid 5 players needed...
Need five for fresh raid on xboxone. Never done it and going in pretty much blind. Just have a mic.
Need 5 experienced people for Kings Fall. It is my first time doing it but I know what to do. I'm at totems. Message TheHipster7867 for invite. Xbox 360.
Kings fall raid, not done it all yet, have war priest cp, need 5 people, no desired light level or weapons, good to have a few experienced players Msg teamtoner for inv
297 warlock Looking for raid Don't know daughters or oryx battles Same gt
xbox 1 - 291 hunter -done raid plenty of times just using my new character -i have touch of malice gt:nickyyy007
Edited by teamtoner: 10/17/2015 2:13:30 PM293 warlock, looking to run raid for first time, only done the totems Gt: teamtoner Xbox one
296 hunter looking for fresh run beginner-MSG ZalgoComes666
Need one for Kings fall preferably someone with experience and patience. PSN:TheMarbleLord
Edited by Spooky Kazoo Kid: 10/17/2015 1:42:16 PMXbox One 295 Hunter looking to do KF for the first time! GT: rozzm2
Need 3 fresh raid Gt Duemad Sloth
Xb1 295 warlock lfg first time
Edited by Darkpaldin: 10/17/2015 1:34:52 PMNeed 4 for kings fall fresh run, never completed Add: L-DomoTatted-L (ps4)
300 warlock not my first time but looking to raid today
Need 4 fresh Sondookie GT
can any one help me on getting my exotic sword on the last boss strike I'm 297 light
300 warlock looking for a group for kings fall I have some exp so hit me up add shomaii (ps4)
Edited by MandalorianDom: 10/17/2015 1:15:17 PMNever did Kingsfall .. Want to do a full run, I have mic and I'm patient ... Don't care if we get bodied as long as we're having fun [PS4] Oh yeah I'm 290 light with basically a fully upgraded Nightstalker ( no. I don't know the glitch incase you don't like those scrubs ) PSN L-DomoTatted-L
Got a oryx check point and need 4 to help me beat him. I haven't beat him yet but know what to do. Need a patient team cause I'm using one hand and I do struggle but I can hold my own. Got no mic but will join chat to hear what's going on. Add me on ps4: Nine2FiveNoob
290 hunter gt: korey16 looking to do Kings Fall Raid