Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by Johnnyutha: 10/17/2015 3:49:21 AMLooking to join a raid. Stevie_e08. 297 warlock.ps4
304 hunter with ToM and spindle, hosting fresh run need 5, NO EXP REQUIRED, looking to help first timers. Message for inv on xbox one. Please be around 290 light and have a decent sniper. If exp players want to help too that'd be cool
Need a full squad I know what to do add me
Need 2 more for oryx add az1015
****** ATTENTION ****** Need 5 players for Kings Fall Raid. I have GolGoroth Checkpoint. I will be on to do the raid in approximately 30-45 mins. Msg: Sgt Chevensky on Xbox 360 or, let me know by responding to this or by PMing me. This is my first time ever running thru Kings Fall Ill see you in the Dreadnought Gaurdians!!
Add stevie_e08. For raid still learning 297 warlock.
xbone kings fall fresh run need 2, doing it with new people
Need 1 for sisters. We have never done it. Please have mic and patience. Msg on ps4 xtremegamer174
Looking to run raid 294 but know the raid
Join ps4 carry kings fall, we take anyone, ps4: lykenbane
296 Titan/294 Hunter lf King's Fall Raid (PS4)
PS4- About To Run A Fresh Raid w/ 2 Newbies Shortly. Any Experienced & Patient Players Willing To Help Add Me!
PS4 first time raid. Add me please. I have mic Thanks
Just looking to do the raid. Fresh run PS4
Need 4 for oryx
3 at golgoroth checkpoint. Need 3 more to finish the raid. Message cherrypicker469 on xboxone console only, don't check responses on here
Need to join team at oryx First time 296 Warlock X1
Allright so looking for a tem to do Kings Fall Ive reached Daughters i know how to do it but never finished it so yeah psn diegomauri1 and i have mic
Kingsfall 360 cp message DeadlyKill0
LFG 290 Warlock/Hunter/Titan (I'll roll with what ever guardian is needed) First time playing this raid, played parts but never the whole thing.
Edited by Odd Robot: 10/17/2015 2:51:01 AM297 Warlock w/ Golgoroth cp. Need 5 290+. I know the strat just haven't beaten it yet. Xbox one
Need one more for kings fall raid, add LMG_2000
Need two for a full fire team not all of us have beaten it but have done most message thelocalgaspump for inv
Need 3 for a fresh run on Xbox one. We are experienced, all we as is that you be close to recommended light level. MSG B007Y P1P3 for an invite
296 fully upgraded Defender. Lfg for this alt run through. Experienced. Invite plz. Gt: DeNecrolas
Edited by joshxxholder: 10/17/2015 2:01:20 AMHave never done it before, fresh run. Light level 295 Titan. Been trying for days and haven't had any luck finding good people. Thanks. Message me or send me a join request joshxxholder on PS3