Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by joshxxholder: 10/17/2015 2:01:20 AMHave never done it before, fresh run. Light level 295 Titan. Been trying for days and haven't had any luck finding good people. Thanks. Message me or send me a join request joshxxholder on PS3
Need 3 for 360 fresh run must be atleast 290light
Need one were at second check point
Need 4 players for fresh run requirements: working mic with no background noise. Level 290+ character with good sniper.
Need 4 for fresh need 2 be 290 light at least
Edited by Jorge Arbusto: 10/17/2015 1:57:00 AMLooking for someone to do the first part of the raid with. I just need to get the calcified fragment after the jumping puzzle. If anyone is there, msg me Gt same as name
292 light hunter looking for fresh. I have done like the very first part of it. RageAholicz101
Message me at terrycrews420. I have no kf experience but am willing to learn
Taking 4 players who have never done raid Requirement: A sniper (yup only a sniper) GT: StealthAnt Xbox One
We're doing our 1st run with no experience or knowledge and looking for someone else wanting to do the blind run with us who has no experience. No spoilers please. Message Calamity Kris for invite
Looking for fresh, 295+, need 4, have two 300+, MUST have a basic knowledge upon what is needed to do, msg me with this exact name, (Xbx1)
2 290+ Warlocks on XB1 looking to complete KF for first time. Have gotten to Golgoroth but no further. Know basics of fights, but will probably need guidance. Currently have Warpriest checkpoint. GT Shadowfax919
Mt friend has not done the raid and has been dying to do it, if some group can help him hes a 292 light warlock and knows some parts of the raid. looking fresh start and his Gt is Bone1103 xbox one thank you :)
Lf fresh... Gt above
Need 3. At golgarath. Gt realzero777
I would like to do Kings fall raid, This is my first time ever doing this raid. I am a hunter with 304 light level. My Psn is Retro_Humanoid
Looking to beat kings fall for the first time. (Xbox one) have tried once. Made it to war priest. I can learn fast. 295 hunter
Need 1 300+ that have done the raid before and have emblem proof no cry babies and if you don't have experience your just wasting all of our time gt same as above at daughters cp
302 titan and 297 hunter lf kings fall PS4 Hunter is first timer and titan has gone up to oryx Psn - shinka707
Any 1 ???
need 1 at glyphs must be 295 msg mattushki for inv
2 players looking for a team to run kings fall raid for the first time on xbone. Send invite to gettinhammered0
Lookin to raid have done bits of it b4
Two more to start raid. @totems 290light msg me
290 hunter at oryx never beat him before and need a help from 5 guardians with experience
Looking for one more for PlayStation fresh run of kings fall. Send me a message psn is Lodencilly