Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Have 4 We need 2 for King falls raid, must be chill and at least 295 light @ totems. Must have mic
296 Titan looking to do fresh run. I have done some of the raid GT:gangstamikester XB1
295 light. Titan. Never done the raid before but I have a little knowledge about it. Been trying to find people for the last few days and can't. No mic. Ps3 joshxxholder
First time King's Fall, I'm a 292 Warlock. I am willing to listen to instructions and be as helpful as possible. I have a mic and a basic understanding of each encounter, but I might need them briefly explained a second time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am looking for 5 people, you have to be 290+ light and that's it. Again, any and all help (so long as you fit the requirement) would be appreciated. PSN is the same as above. Thank you. This is King's Fall fresh. I'm on PS3.
looking for a chilled group to join an try complete the raid I'm a 295 light hunter I've done most of the raid I've gotten up to the daughters before. Invite me
Edited by DolceB72: 10/16/2015 11:50:28 PMFirst time Must have mic Must have experience I'm not that serious about the raid, just want to do it Ps4 only Have fun!
Edited by n0ah: 10/16/2015 11:48:22 PMxb1. at the warpreist havent made it past that part so ill need help. inv name above
296 Titan looking to do fresh run. I have done some of the raid GT:gangstamikester XB1
Lfg need a team to do a fresh run its my second time running it but need more practice...i can guide you guys through it if youve never done it b4
Need one for fresh run. Just started and had someone quit. Gt realzero777
First time Kings fall raid 290+ light Xbox 360 Gamertag is F4TaL Spreez
Edited by koben: 10/16/2015 11:56:47 PMHi I'm a 296 Hunter Taken King Raid noob looking for a Raid fireteam PSN RuthlessWind
Looking for 3 experienced players to run fresh run. Message me if you want to join.
295 warlock looking for fresh raid invite the gamertag above
Looking for group, Xbox one. 293 warlock/hunter never been through but easily pick up things. Looking for kings fall raid, have all night to raid
297 hunter been to oryx but not completed. Just being honest. Looking for a fresh run. Know how to play destiny, shoot monsters and jump on moving obstacles without dying...most the time. Message tehguiltyspark
looking for a chilled group to join an try complete the raid I'm a 295 light hunter I've done most of the raid I've gotten up to the daughters before. Invite me
The furthest I've gotten is the totem cp. fresh run. Must have mic and experience
Need one for Deathsingers cp. msg gt:ShamDman07 for inv
Xbox 360. Looking for fresh raid. Have exp but yet to finish. Need guidence on sisters. Msg me
Edited by irollin810: 10/16/2015 11:28:36 PM
Need two for sisters decent experience pls. 295+ thanks add starw24 (PS4)
have all 300 + raid team add kippur2k if u want carry
need 1 at golgorotsh's cellar
Edited by Ormo: 10/16/2015 11:02:41 PMXbox one, Gt Ormo, Hunter 297 , looking for a guide not a free ride.
[b][i]PS4 King's Fall[/i][/b] NEED FIVE (5) FRESH RUN ADD: aye_nawstyyy *mic required