Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
301 Titan looking for group
Hunter light level 295 never done the raid but know what to do open to invite xbox one gt: kai360flame
New to raid 289 warlock. Open invite
Xb1 forming a tk raid. 290 Titan looking for a group that wants to try out raid. Someone with experience would be nice. All 290+ welcome
297 Titan have Golgorth Checkpoint New to raid and would like to finish and learn rest GT same as name XB
360 looking to join a fresh kings fall raid. 295 titan MSG me
Need help on raid. (Teach) 291 hunter or can be 293 tittan. Just want to be taught how to do the raid.
Edited by d-rock445: 10/16/2015 6:03:17 PM301 warlock done the raid once. Have tom and spindle. Just want a chill group. On ps4 add d-rock445
Looking for someone to sherpa me through this Raid. This would be my first time doing Kings Fall (only did up to the jumping puzzle but then people had to go since it was late). If anyone is willing to help me, please send me a message or invite on Xbox One. GT: Sundown723
Edited by dHickey11: 10/16/2015 5:29:03 PMKnow the raid pretty well looking to do fresh run send me an invite. GT same as above 293 titan
302 warlock xbone. Never tried oryx checkpoint but I've done the rest. An Cp works.
Looking for 2 more for fresh raid.. Msg me for inv GT same as above
296 Warlock on PS4. Only made it to totems, would appreciate going through the raid. PSN: ZeroPain707
Ps4 warlock 289
(Xbox one) Me and a friend are at oryx cp. Never beat him but know howto beat him. Looking for 4 to complete it. Message me if interested gt above I'm a hunter 299 He's a warlock 300
292 Hunter on XB1. Raid noob hoping to find a good group willing to show me the ropes! Chests and calcified fragment locations would be much appreciated as well. Thanks! Steele6395
297 Titan w/ Oryx cp, haven't beat him yet but I know what to do msg xCHORIZ0x on XB1
Need one more for fresh run. Msg ShamDman07 for inv
Looking for 2 people, fresh raid, on ps4 add plkgggn
294 titan looking for fresh run. Add triznops
285 hunter looking to beat the raid for the first time. Only gotten passed golgoroth. Send me an invite. GT same as above
Looking for a group for the raid Hunter 301 and warlock 295 GT same as above
Need one for kings fall ps4 add me jwhittaker86
Edited by SwearingTurnip0: 10/16/2015 4:01:10 PMNeed 2 for fresh run on King's. 290+ message SwearingTurnip0 for inv. No exp required Xbx1
Looking for golgoroth cp 304 hunter xb1