Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking for golgoroth cp 304 hunter xb1
Need one for kings fall raid -"add me jwhittaker86
Looking for 1 more, fresh raid, add plkgggn ps4
I'm a 302 lock with good experience and Daughters check point willing to help people get some experience. I play with experienced teams but those guys stress too much lol. Join if you want some practice and instruction. Only requirement is that you are 295 with decent weapons and a sniper so we don't wipe for lack of dps.
294 Hunter looking to join a raid party. Willing to follow instructions. 2nd time trying raid! Holla at me Civil-AD95
298 warlock need fresh gt apolo4914 ready to help noobs
Edited by Skedouch: 10/16/2015 4:05:41 PMLooking for a team to continue the raid on PS4. I have checkpoint at Golgoroth. I am Lvl 302 titan. If you're interested reply or add Skedouch
Need 3 at daughters never done daughters or oryx before were all 296+ we could do with some help also need Skype cause mic is broke
293 hunter looking to do first raid. Have mic will listen
Looking for 2 people, fresh raid
Need 3 at daughters never done daughters or oryx before were all 296+ we could do with some help also need Skype cause mic is broke
Looking to do final jumping puzzle and daughters for the first time im 298 warlock Xbox 360 gt same
298 Warlock LF 5 for fresh raid. No experience preferred. Only made it to totems before. Message me on Xbox One.
360 looking to join a fresh kings fall. Good at listening to instructions. 295 titan. Invite me gamertag same as above
Edited by Jefferson310: 10/16/2015 3:11:19 PM296 wrlk looking for fresh raid team First time. Mature gamer. Did all other raids. Gt: Jefferson310 Xbox1
Looking for kings fall fresh run, 302 hunter ps4 theshredder23
Looking for 5 to run Kings fall for the first time. I'm good at listening to instruction and I'd like to do it no cheese. Ps4. Add me if interested PSN id: sn0wl3pard61
Looking to do a fresh run on normal on PS4. I've only ever gotten up to Golgoroth. Like the post said all I seek is some be willing to teach and guide and the rest of the crew has to be willing to listen. Either add me and invite me or send a request and we'll get the ball rolling.
Looking to do the raid for the first time Warlock 296 on Ps4 Have mic and speak English :) FearlessDooku add me Peace
Looking to join a team for fresh raid need help to get the gear to level up psn is franciscoleeds
Edited by AWES0M3 F1ST: 10/16/2015 3:28:15 PM294 Titan looking to raid. I know what to do up until Warpriest. Not a squeaker and I know how to work in a group and take advice. Invite AWES0M3 F1ST ON XBOX ONE
294 hunter looking to run raid for first time invite Gt same as above XB1
Looking to join raid, 302 light hunter. Ps4 theshredder23
Two needed for fresh kings raid. Raging try hards need not apply. Message over XBL for invite, GT same as name.
One needed for kings fall raid no experience necessary add me jwhittaker86