Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
need 1 more fresh run
Sisters cp need 4 people msg GT above for inv
Oryx CP, just looking for people willing to do it, whether you know or not. Add me, L3G1ON-0F-1
Xbox One. Looking to start fresh run. I've only gotten up to Warpriest with my last group. Experience or no experience is welcome (I have very limited experience). I also want to find some of the calcified fragments in the raid. Message me to join me or send me an invite to join you. GT: Tufunky3
need 4 more for fresh run // made it to Oryx before but had to go to work // msg Dusk X2 for inv
Xbox360 looking to join a fresh run. 295 titan Gamertag same as above
Level 295 hunter looking for any checkpoint in the raid. Gt same as above. Thanks!
299 Hunter looking for fresh run. GT same as above.
Level 299 Hunter looking for fresh Kings Fall run. I've only gotten as far as the death singers and would like to finish the raid! Please send an invite :)
Lvl 298 titan I know what to do up until oryx. Psn ajay655. Please invite me
Add leolives93. Im warlock light lvl 296 looking to do kings fall full raid
Need 2 for the raid. Any experience welcome. Xbox one. Msg Haphazard Loki for inv.
I'm setting up a group for weekly raids on Saturday morning around 8am CST. My friends and I moved to ps4 from PS3 for the taken King and we need a new raid group. Right now we have 2 spots available. We play destiny daily, but we quit activities when we stop having fun. So if we hit a part of the raid that we can't beat, we will not ram our heads against a wall for hours. We will call it a day and try again another time. If this seems like something you'd be interested in send a message to commanderArkm on psn.
Gt overfreeze262 Gal cp Need 5 Preferably experienced because I'm not
297 warlock not beat the raid only got to orxy but I no what I am do at orxy gt as above
307-308 hunter here for raid. Willing to help out
297 warlock looking to complete the raid, I've done the first few bits so I won't be totally useless but after that all I'll need is a quick run through (where to stand, who to kill) Add L_hogan If anyone has any spaces in their fireteam going. Thanks guardians
PS4 (299) Hunter wanting to do KingsFall raid for 1st time! Please send invite to name above!
looking to do fresh run must have done raid before need 5 playes msg lamented demon3
296 hunter looking to run first raid Xbox one Gt trashbat1
298 Hunter looking for fresh Kings Fall run. I've only gotten as far as the death singers and would like to finish the raid! Please send an invite :)
Edited by XIc3dNinjaX: 10/16/2015 11:02:52 AMLooking for 3 people to do raid kings fall must have mic
❎❎Comeback Season now recruiting American teenagers. We have a 40 player max limit on the clan so you actually know who your raiding with. your going to build a strong relationship with the people in the clan and finish things faster unlike going to LFG on here. We have a PS4 group chat so everyone knows when someone needs help or wants to do something. Add mangojuice24 on PS4 or message me here https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/845842 ❎❎
295 Titan looking for pop raid cherry. Gt MAX P0WER25
If anyone is about I need help, I've done some but not all!! Xbox1 liquidskin123 warlock 298
(ps4) i need 5 for daughters u want to join message as soon as u can