Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking to do a raid with other people who haven't run this raid yet. This Saturday (10/17) at 11am Pacific/6pm GMT. Need 4. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/163150259/0/0
2 looking for group at daughter cp
at the witches please be 290 plus and have mic add bred325
2 locks level 297 and 295 looking for fresh run we have a little experience but not much gt throwingbarley
Looking to raid on ps4. 295 Titan with some experience. Made it all the way to daughters cp add WTF711
looking for fresh raid on ps4 i am 295 titan psn is same as name
xb1 fresh raid, invite gt above
Edited by Red: 10/16/2015 4:20:45 AMAt daughters CP need three add bred325 or Comicdude Have a mic n not be a child thnx
Need 3 more for fresh raid
looking for fresh raid, never done it before
at the witches please be 290 plus and have mic, add comicdude
Looking for 3 more, havent done before, looking to go right now. ps4, id as above
302 warlock looking to raid anything. Have cleared entire kings fall. PS4: kuma_the_shadow
I am a very experienced raid player. I've done 20+ raids and successfully killed oryx in all of the runs. I am willing to teach new people in the raid. Please take this opportunity now since everyone else is picky about raid teammates. Gt Dravedless. Lv 304 hunter with tether. As long as you are 280+ you will be invited. Need 5 more people.
Xbox One: Oryx CP: message Gt above for invite.
Xbox one. 287 titan looking to try King's Fall for the first time. GT same as above. Thanks!
Looking for fresh raid Xbox 360 295 hunter Never done the raid but a fast learner
Need 2 290+ eperienced please for oryx cp Gt: Call Me Skinnie
fresh taken King raid starting up. need a couple more people. raid experience is appreciated but not needed. trying to help a few kings first timers here so no pressure. great chance for anyone to learn or practice without being yelled at! add dustandbonez on xbox or reply with your tag. you need to have a microphone though and be able to take instruction.
Need 1 for war priest msg for Invite gamer tag is same
Edited by boogzthetruth: 10/16/2015 2:26:16 AM293 warlock with some exp never finished the raid but want to Invt gt boogzthetruth Xbox one
Edited by KivonLikesBooty2: 10/16/2015 2:17:18 AMPS4: 298 Titan with no raid experience looking for a group.
starting a fresh taken King raid. fine with people with low raid experience. add dustandbonez or post your tag here. if you've done it before awesome!
Looking to do raid please message Sir xFire for invite
297 warlock looking to join raid havent done it before send inv gt same as above
Need help on deathsingers need 2 more PS4 gamer tag same as above