Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need help on deathsingers need 2 more PS4 gamer tag same as above
Will Help Out Anyone Who Hasn't Done It Before Add Me Will Be On After 11pm Central ste_peralta ps4
289 hunter I've done the raid before on my Titan Please inv me I won't -blam!- up I'm experienced The first time most of us ever did the raid was at 280ish Inv please looking for fresh Xbox one
XB1 GT: Aerosoled Stool New to this raid but have experience w/ all the previous raids; can take instructions. Thanks!
297 Titan on Xbox one. Some experience with war priest but otherwise have not done much else. Looking to join in if you need one more. Gt: MortalLiability
Hey I am looking for a team to do the raid with! I am a noob so I need people to show me the ropes! I am on Xbox 360 and my GT is EXtrem11
Looking to run raid for first time light lvl: 297 gt: SocalofSD
Edited by BLACKCOUGAR25: 10/16/2015 12:51:18 AMLvl 297 looking for group at golgoroth cp. Never done past the maze but have a general idea. Xbox 360
Need 3 more at oryx
Edited by Hashira of Pain: 10/16/2015 1:29:24 AMLooking for 1 for fresh Kings Fall. We got one newbie with us trying to get his light level up Add me: FunkmastaCell
Invite! GT: JohnnyRagesAlot Light: 290 Class: Warlock
[b]I HAVE ORYX CHECKPOINT[/b] LIGHT LEVEL 295+ PREFERRED 300 Looking to get it done first try so you [u]MUST BE EXPERIENCED!![/u] Message drakwil07
Looking for an invite to King's Fall Raid on PS4. GT is xRORxDurfnTurf. Light lvl is 295.
295 hunter with some raid experience. Looking for anyone willing to play. I have oryx cp, but will start fresh too. Msg taterbombz07
Edited by FumbEd: 10/15/2015 3:34:41 PMI've done the raid but I haven't beaten oryx I got a group I run with but they get on to damn late so I never get to beat him. Anyone have an oryx checkpoint or sisters that they have a spot open for? I'm a 297 Titan. Xbox one.
Two guardians wanting to run the raid. Know what to do for the most part but need experienced raiders to help out. 282 light hunter and a 286 Titan. Message and we will join
We looking to run raid we are 301 an 300 light exp players msg tag above for invite
Hunter 289 fresh king fall gt FROSTXAWAD
New raider 293 hunter looking for group to run with that can show me the ropes alittle bit
New to this raid, 295 Titan quick learner! add Ryanknowles7 please!
Need 3 more 290+ to raid. Add robrhodes1980
RaidHelp101 is a clan of skilled, dedicated raiders who work together daily, helping the community complete Destiny's end game content. Console Xbox One Checkpoints Fresh runs begin at Annihilator Totems and end killing Oryx. We also run Oryx checkpoints for those who need it. Requirements Follow us on twitch http://www.twitch.tv/raidhelp101 Join us on stream and wait to get pulled via raffle (best way to keep it fair) Have a Mic or Kinect and be at least light level 280. Founder IMA EATurSOUL Members https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/780007 Follow To stay connected with when we will be helping raid follow us here http://www.twitch.tv/raidhelp101 http://www.twitch.tv/blazydayz and here https://twitter.com/RaidHelp101 Clan Leader Stats https://www.bungie.net/en/Grimoire/1/4611686018429570004/Activities/Raids?_unlocked=False
Hosting Oryx Cp carries, streaming on twitch., need 2 each run I have a team of 4 308+ light experts on oryx, we have the cp saved on alts and are carrying randoms through oryx for the next 4 hours. We don't care what level or experience you are. All you need to do is listen to us and not swear or you will be kicked as we are streaming. For an invite send me your best yo momma joke over Xbox GT: Xdr Chroniic (there are 2 i's)
300 hunter looking for golgoroth cp msg ozzman8508
Edited by x Ozone TF141: 10/14/2015 12:01:03 PMTitan 296 need first raid (x-one ) Gt same as above (Fr)