Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking for court of oryx t3 on Xbox one msg me for invite gt same as user
Kings fall normal need four more, I'm warlock 310, add me and join, ps4
Fresh run normal raid message for invite Warlock-286 Need 5 Gt: HAYATExHAZE
287 warlock looking todo the raid for the first time and me a 308 hunter looking for a fresh normal raid msg both are a packaged deal gt j quay (me 308) Gt nu ghost (friend 287)
Anyone down for a raid? Ps4 same name
292 Titan looking to learn the raid on xb1
299 warlock looking for a group on ps3
Edited by NSA Aztec 503: 11/11/2015 4:47:52 AMneed 2 players im an experienced titan trying to teach new raiders or old through the raid,message me...xbox one
Looking for 1 more for Normal Totems. Add and request invite.
Edited by okami: 11/10/2015 8:15:41 PMLFG anyone on warpriest need another guy? I'm experienced and have ToM, Spindle 307 warlock GT: MJR WOLF
Need 3 for a fresh run. Have beaten the normal raid multiple times. Looking for people who can help guide us through the heroic raid. Message Stu1232 for an invite.
Anyone down for a raid? Trying to help someone new in it. Same psn name as above
Looking to do fresh kings fall Never done it before Lvl 293 hunter Message DevyDankz
294 titan at oryx checkpoint need 4 newbies welcome gt same as above msg for invite
Need one Titan First time hard raid totems Add herb_farmer
Need 3 more for fresh run, got two first-timers
Looking to take my friend through the raid, I'm 302 and he's 288. Looking for 4 for fresh run, please be patient
297 Titan for normal raid. Invite. Gt: aarunner
Need one Titan First time hard raid totems Add herb_farmer
294 Warlock. Haven't done any raids, so looking for a group of people to help me run through it, experienced or not. PSN is Sc0tty__D0o0 (That's 2 underscores)
KF raid HARD (XBOX 360) 305+ GT same as above.
First time hard raid totems Add herb_farmer
Lf 1 more for fresh kings fall normal. Ps4 gt is the same. Knowledge of the raid is a bonus.
(XBOX 1)experienced level 306 warlock looking for 5 for a fresh normal run. No experience needed, all I ask is that you have a mic, and be around the required level for the raid. For any questions or an invite, make sure to message GT: B007Y P1P3
Taking anybody who hasn't done the raid before on normal starting after this reset all you have to do is follow me on twitch name is "letsjusbe"
298 hunter with oryx cp looking for an experienced 5 to help me throught the first time. name same. thx