Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Starting group for Oryx, I have CP. Prefer 300+ light and should know the fight. Add me: NowThinkTwice
Newbie w normal Raid- Warlock. GT: Azaria Reigns help a girl out please 💯 I need like a serious help bc my light is booty rn 👀
Need One 300 light warrior for raid
Lvl 305 Hunter Hosting fresh kings fall raid for all first timers GT is same as name message me on xbox one for an invite
FRESH START 295+ light Message for an invite Xbox one gt - Rae Sremmurd
To all guardians out there. I will be running the raid tomorrow and Saturday. I have a lot of experience with the raid but haven't beaten oryx. I got to him three times already but haven't had the right team to defeat him. I already have five people and need one more. Anyone who's willing to help, your help will be greatly appreciated more than you know. Msg me at gt above so I can reserve the last spot for you.
Looking for doing the raid hunter 299 did until the daughters but can't say I have experience
Looking for ppl who would like to join the clan akatsuki Knights ps4 clan...plz be willing to obey mission statement
Need one for warpriest xbox one
296 hunter looking to do kings fall for the first time Xbox one GT same as above
lfg new to kingsfall 296 hunter xb1 gt muggzym187
Xbox One 295~ Titan looking for a fresh run (preferably for all the Fragments) or helping at CP's. Never ran the raid before.
Need five more for fresh start 295+ must have little experience
Edited by thrillbilly724: 10/15/2015 9:53:56 PM294 lfg be over joyed to do it Xbox one
Edited by RadMan_RahMan: 10/15/2015 9:05:16 PMRaid fresh run doing it first time but I know what to do need 4 players name: radman_rahman
ps4 XY-M-A-T-T-Y-YX message me and run the rain from any point Lv 295 hunter
Looking to run raid. Very green Ps4
2 for raid 295+ with experience msg Prozakmilkshake
lvl 296 hunter Looking for a group to do the raid for the first time I have a mic GT SHADOWBLADE3418
Lookin for cool peeps ... Lvl 297 titan lookin to do fresh run or whatever ...add cousinkevin2013
@ sisters CP. need 2 to help fresh guardians through. Please be patient. PSN Odokwan
Looking to join a team for raid First time Hunter 296 Gt same
Need 5 at gogoroth checkpoint messege me on Xbox for invite gt GrizzlyYorkii3
Looking to do the kings raid 1st tym light 292 ps4 add rudesnakeboi
ps4 MythicalDivines 240 light + prison of elders finale legendary weapon guaranteed add me
Doing the raid the second time. Know what to do Add me Silence069 Lightlvl 296 Thanks