Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
3 more for sisters cp
Xb1 titan 293 gt rayndeth looking to raid
Edited by Mace: 10/15/2015 12:43:54 PMNeed 5 for fresh run normal I haven't done the raid before Must be 295+ Msg macewindrew for inv Xb1
Sisters cp I'm a 300 hunter need 5 people
Knock-out-ned 298 warlock first time raider
Oryx checkpoint need 5 to put him down in quickness hunter 297 with touch of anal msg FWDKILLER on xbox live not ps4 thanks cause nobody plays on that crap.
Looking for 5 to do sisters cp and oryx 300+ Xbox one I have 300 hunter GT same as above
301 warlock looking for fresh run inv CAPT RAZIEL RAZ xbox one
301 warlock looking for fresh run inv CAPT RAZIEL RAZ
Hunter light 296 LFG Xbox one invite Ghost L3
301 Titan looking for fresh run gt adamhopmoen
Looking to do the Kings fall raid. Have done it before and have exotic sword plus scout and sniper rifles. Warlock 299. Add/message me on ps4
looking to do raid for the 1st time any group that can help? light 295 warlock GT: NicWill13
Looking to do kings fall fresh ps3
301 warlock looking for fresh run inv CAPT RAZIEL RAZ
Edited by BandolierBob: 10/15/2015 12:06:33 PMNeed a team of 5 I'm at totems I just want to finish the raid for the first time xbox 1 gt: SGTKELLEYUSMC
Same! GT: CrackFox LDN
Looking for a squad for Xbox one Never done the raid before but I'm a quick learner GT: ireddin v
Looking to fresh start raid done up to the daughters before but new people welcome . I remember the frustration at ''must know what your Doing'' all to well . Xbox one
Need help on oryx cp looking for 5 people and I haven't done it before Xbox 360 Msg inv Same as name
I wanna do the New Raid and didnt get it before. So if someone want to help me or Someone Need help send me an Inv. Hunter 292 Light. Gamertag same as above.
Love the idea of this thread. I'm happy to take people through the raid as I've done it countless times now. Love hearing people cheer when they first kill oryx. Ill post here again when I'm ready to roll. (At work right now) I'm on Xbox one. On a side note; people using this thread as recruitment and adding stipulations clearly misunderstand the idea.
Edited by LittleGreen93: 10/15/2015 11:30:53 AMNeed help on oryx cp looking for 5 people and I haven't done it before Xbox 360 msg inv gt fallexponent366
Need team of 5 for golgoroth or looking to join a team. Mics not workin but I can dps and know what I'm doing.
Need one with no experience, please listen and well get through it
Edited by BearsMaulThings: 10/15/2015 11:27:18 AM293 Hunter looking to run the raid for the first time. GT Above. Xbox One.