Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by BearsMaulThings: 10/15/2015 11:27:18 AM293 Hunter looking to run the raid for the first time. GT Above. Xbox One.
Need 5 for fresh run. 300+ must have beaten raid before. 306 warlock.
Edited by D-Zeref-: 10/15/2015 11:22:23 AMAdd sicey90 and hicksy90 they are in desperate need of raid exp
Looking for freak run. I know what to do and got mic plus I'm 296 warlock. Add zlomo
Edited by JF1SH3RM1988: 10/15/2015 11:15:43 AMI finished everything(many times over) in year one and have waited until my light reached 290 to reach out for this taken king raid. Still at a loss for words for all my old gear having turned useless :(... send me an invite gamertag is same as name above. Willing to figure it out with some people or be taught. I ground it out all week in anticipation of a new raid, while only finally purchasing taken king last friday. . . [spoiler]I'm also down for the nightfall or maybe someone has an antiquated rune?[/spoiler]
Is there any group for first timer? Lvl295 Titan, have mic and listen.
I want to do the new raid but I haven't done it before. Anyone want to come along who also wants to do it for the first time? Or to help the newbies? Send me a message :) Xbox one
Need 2 for fresh run message DrifterChaz for invite with take anyone who wants to join
Need 3 for raid we have 1 first timer
Only a 287 warlock but I'm down to give it a shot. I haven't done a raid yet by the way lol
Lvl 300 titan wanting to do a fresh run in kings fall only done raid once if anyone is willing to help me thru it again plz send invite or friend request to hatred1488 on ps4
Looking for 3 to run raid experienced preferred 295 or higher msg Saips16
Looking for 3 to run raid experienced preferred 295 or higher msg Saips16
Edited by Stikkz 764: 10/15/2015 9:13:22 AM293 Titan TTK Noob help plz ;D Gt same as above, looking for fresh or cp run Xbone!
Edited by WorthyFart: 10/15/2015 8:16:21 AMlooking for cp before warpriest i am a hunter with 302 light message Onyx RainzZ xbox one
Looking for fresh kings run have not completed hit as farces warpriest have mic and No ego will follow directions 292 Titan GT as posted
Need 3 for raid we have one first time psn as above
Edited by lucian090: 10/15/2015 6:37:39 AM294 warlock gt Lucian090 lf group
294 hunter, not expirenced, no mic but can hear and follow directions invt TinaEatTheFood
294 hunter, not expirenced, no mic but can hear and follow directions invt TinaEatTheFood
Hosting Oryx checkpoint 295+ must have mic
Lvl 292 warlock looking to do a fresh run send invite to same GT as above
Need one for cp before war priest. Msg me
Wanna do an oryx raid on the Xbox 360 I've never Done it and must have mic so message me if interested
Hey Im Kr1tical Effect and I'm pretty new to Ps4 (but not to destiny) I have been formerly a destiny Xbox 360 user and leader of Death Raiderz (a pretty small but successful Xbox 360 clan). Now I'm back on destiny I'm currently looking new members 4 my new clan I just made. We do raids, nightfall, weekly heroics, just about anything and everything so if u need a hand with something just ask. Pls help out and join. Thx :) Recommend: Light level over 270/280 Pretty active (4hour a day is fine) No age limit ( if your 12 I don't care we're just here to have fun not exclude ppl just cause of their age) All these r recommendations so even if u r not active or light level is 180 or something u can still join and we'll help u out Thx 4 reading hope u guys will join. And the link is below to go to the clan to join Join here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1286219
Looking to do Raid on Xbox one 295 warlock have mic. Please help