Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking to do Raid on Xbox one 295 warlock have mic. Please help
Need one for fresh raid. Be around 290 and have a mic. Add bred325
Send me a msg. Helping out new people to raid. HDi Monster Xbox one
Looking to do raid for first time in a 293 Titan add PiLaGeD
Need three for sisters checkpoint, message me on Xbox one at xXSacredAngelXx
Need 3 for fresh raid. Willing to help out. Msg me same gt
Golgoroth cp msg me for inv on xbox. Same gt.
Edited by Stein1165: 10/15/2015 4:20:34 AM300+ hunter, Looking for 3 fresh, any experience. Message coyote stark 43 for inv 360 only
Golgorath cp. need 4 !! A little bit of experience is nice!! Gamer tag same as username
Looking for dethsinger cp. same gt. inv me on xbox
I wanna join a kings fall raid, got to the totems before my friends rage quitted, still looking to finish, psn heart_attack_18
Looking to do the raid for the first time, gt same as name. Invite me
Ready to start fresh taken King Raid. I'm 290+ you need to be too or at least close to that. we will be following the walk throughs so perfect chance for people to learn. post tag or add dustandbonez
Looking to do raid this is my first time i hve mic and listen well. Message common_gamer_1
Edited by XxiiRoNmAnxX: 10/15/2015 3:08:51 AM302 warlock looking for a raid group that wouldn't mind showing someone how its done ive done it plenty of times just trynna help a friend out and im welling to help anyone else trying to beat it -gt same as above -xbox one
296 lock lf raid. 1st timer. Have mic and listen well. Please invite name is gt
296 Warlock. Looking for oryx cp. I haven't beaten him but I know what to do. Ps4 tfkdude89
299 titan looking to run raid for the second time gt DdubbYa1
291 hunter lfg Kings raid fresh run Joe4all2n0
Edited by SirTobiGoodboy: 10/15/2015 2:48:06 AMA friend and I want to raid, but haven't found anyone willing to join because of our lack of experience in Kings fall. 2 hunters w/298 light, looking for 4. Message SirTobiGoodboy on Xbox One
293-297 hunter looking to do the raid 1st time add me Jrdaextratrex ps4
Need 2 fresh
296 Titan wanting to learn Xbox one GT Heavyarms29
I'm trying to help my friend through the raid for the first time. WE ARE GIRLS. some people are really rude and think we're awful players just because we're girls. if you can be a decent person, that'd be great. send me an invite, please. smphnysldr
304 Hunter here. To help any newcomers. I'm not like most people who act like a ass. I'm here to teach anybody who wants to learn the raid. Inv me on Xbox One. GT Same.