Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
304 Hunter here. To help any newcomers. I'm not like most people who act like a ass. I'm here to teach anybody who wants to learn the raid. Inv me on Xbox One. GT Same.
Need 1 for sisters msg for invite gt same as above
First time raid join now fresh! 290+ with good sniper +mic add me CW-CAVIAR
First time doing kings fall I need a raid team please.
289 titan looking for group. I've done a little of the raid but only to 3rd boss.
Looking to raid. 299 hunter. Have ran raid once before so kinda know what I'm doing. PSN above
Warlock 301 looking to join a raid team fresh or cp Send invite Gt: COBRA GTR 88
Looking for fresh raid group lvl 297 hunter X1 have done little of the raid
Looking for a warpriest cp I'm very experienced GT Same
Edited by Consort of Ranni the Witch: 10/15/2015 1:46:25 AMWe need one more person. We use Skype instead so pm me your username. Just know how to listen to directions. Xbox One
Looking to do a raid. Have done warpriest and nothing before or after. 287 light Xbox one gt souldoughboy
299 Titan looking to do fresh raid add me rvcamaro
Looking to do kings fall raid, 302 hunter ps4- theshredder23
Edited by indeelifter52: 10/15/2015 1:13:22 AMLooking to help new ppl through kings raid, I am helping my buddy through it and we need 4 more. Just an FYI, you should be at least 290 for the raid if you hope to do any damage not trying to discourage anyone. Ps4, psn indeelifter52
Edited by scosher: 10/15/2015 1:22:46 AM295 warlock looking to do raid. Inv scosher xbox 1
Need 1 for Oryx cp Ps4 add and join Cyphodellus
Looking to learn the raid. I've done the war priest but nothing before or after. Would love to join a team willing to walk me through it. Add nhagen on PS3.
295-293 Hunter (depending what gear I use and when) first time doing raid. Anybody willing to do a fresh run? Gt is same as name.
Looking for a group to raid with. I have experience in totems nd war priest. Need some guidance on the other parts but pretty much I can hold my own. Lvl298 hunter. JUX_4 psn
Xbx1:300 hunter. Some raid experience. Looking for fresh run. Msg or inv. gt MOD 4 WAR
296 Titan wanting to learn Xbox one GT Heavyarms29
need 1 for raid at war priest
Looking for fresh raid run, I have never done it yet, Warlock 287
Need 2 for fresh run I've beat it helping friends do it and will help ou send message for invite
Lfg. Never done kings fall want to do it. 286 warlock
Add me psn FinityAndBeyond 290 hunter ready for raid