Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
289 titan gt same as above
Edited by PelvicSorceress: 10/14/2015 10:04:20 PMWe already have three. Looking for three more to do kingsfall who are nice. Gt same Xbox 360
Edited by Did: 10/14/2015 10:01:39 PMNeed 1 at warpriest cp. have mic please GT did0709
I need someone for NF were at the end same gt
Looking for four guardians 290+ light fresh run. I have beaten raid many time. light 306 Hunter.Have touch of Malice and Simulator with very good sniper. Need someone With somewhat experience. Gt. Above for invite
This is a great idea. Now people don't have to lie and just try to get by
I was wondering if anyone would take a Guardian who's not very experienced in the raid yet but very experienced in destiny, to do Kings Fall, I can hold my own, I just need some kind person to show me how it works, thanks. 195, Titan.
Lf4m fresh start im 302 with xp showing new comers the ropes send msg gt zayskulls
Edited by Da Dirty Dishrag: 10/14/2015 9:26:04 PMAny one helping I've beaten war priest but never been past that add del-gotcho looking for fresh run
Lvl 297 hunter looking for fresh raid. First time run through. GT: HDi Monster
297 hunter. Zero experience with kings fall but looking for a team. Xbox one gt same
Looking for a team for kings fall 296 light warlock
New to the raid, like, 110%. Haven't even watched a video or read a tutorial. I'd appreciate some help in all aspects. I'm not new, nor inexperienced. Light 294, maxed gear. Need some new stuff. Gimme a shout @ PrimoBlaze on Xbox Live. (x360 only.)
MSG: Victory Roman for fresh run on King's fall. Only 3 more ppl required (being experienced is recommended but not required)
Have daughters cp if anyone can help me with it? Never completed the raid yet, level 297 titan ps4
Need a group to do kings fall me and my mate know most but cant pass golgoroth anybody interested jus join us my psn is br00t4l_burnskii
Need 5 for raid plz be experienced because this is my first try and 292 +. My Gt is same
I need 5 guardians to help get through the sisters. I have the cp. message my Gt (same as above). X-box one.
294 warlock Looking for fresh run First time Invite me^^ GT as above
292 warlock. Looking to do KF, first time but willing to learn. GT same as above
300 Titan @golgoroth cp. Need 2 more. Have a couple of first timers with me so please be patient. PSN Odokwan
Need 5 to do raid 1st tym add rudesnakeboi ps4
297 hunter... ran it once. looking for a fresh raid!
Looking to do fresh run. 302 hunter
I'm a Destiny Dad looking for a fresh run. 296 Lock, never finished, some experience, quiet do as I'm told teammate. I'll be on at 8 pm est. doing some IB, hit me up...gt same as above - thanks
Looking for one more guardian for raid message RebelChimpster. Xbox One