Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
lvl 301 warlock looking to do a fresh run add Helping_Caboose i do not care about experince just need peps who listen well and has good team work. done the raid before just looking to get more gear and help people in the process.
I would like to join a group with some that wont mind a noob with kings fall knowledge. I have a working mic maxed subs an ok sniper versatility is key so I' try and snap to the level digg. If intrestid in a fresh run add me with the message invlosed "Kings Fall Fresh"...!!!
Edited by AsianGirlzRHot: 10/13/2015 11:59:23 PMWho wants to do the raid I haven't beaten it yet but I have played some parts of it. If you would like to play in on ps4 psn is Ryukokilllakill feel free to add me.
Edited by Markits Kell of Capitalism: 10/13/2015 11:47:16 PMLevel 297 Titan looking for fresh time. This will be my first run on xbox
First time doing kings fall need a team just be 290 and add me tysonjosh
Lf raid add. Have only gotten to the sisters before. Add scouselad81 psn. 298 titan
Edited by dmac2169: 10/13/2015 11:50:11 PMI am looking to try get a group together for kings fall in about 2 hours. There will be 2 of us that haven't done it before. 295 hunter and a 297 Titan. Looking to take anyone to atleast try the raid. Any experience will be helpful but not a must :) PSN is the same. Send me a message if you are interested.
Havent done raid b4 so want to do it add rudesnakeboi ps4
Edited by Lord Farsquaad: 10/13/2015 11:14:32 PMAnyone want to help my friend and I try to beat the raid? We have gotten to daughters but no farther than that. We would take people who want to finish it and people who want to help. We could get to daughters easily. I would want at least people 293-294+ light. Help is appreciated. Xbox 360. We are 297 and 298 hunters.
Trying to get a fireteam going have a 290 296 and a 295 need three more add monts213 and join ps4
Need 4 for fresh run. Must be able to Xbox chat. Gt same as above.
Edited by VailedTea0: 10/13/2015 11:06:51 PMLooking to do the raid done all parts up to war priest level 285 Hunter gt above
Need 3 more add munchmybox
Edited by AveragePhuckboi: 10/13/2015 10:45:58 PMLooking to do the raid fresh 290 light hunter Have not completed the raid before Add munchmybox ps4
Need 2 people for golgeroth msg me for inv must know what to do
looking for fresh raid gt is same -xboxone
299 warlock with Oryx cp looking for a team to help me beat the raid for the first time. PS4: add and join Cyphodellus
Need one more for fresh run msg for inv
Edited by MeGetU ZACH: 10/13/2015 10:57:38 PMLvl 40 Light 288 Titan looking to run King raid for first time! Invite: MeGetU ZACH Xbox ONE
288 warlock looking for fresh raid gt is same -xboxone
Xbox1 looking to do fresh run, never done before
295 Titan on ps4 experienced up to sisters, looking to carry on from there if anyone has cp if not I'm game for joining anyone, have mic too, add jonezy_boy
Helping raid first timers. @totems need one more. Not looking to complete the raid just get through totems and warpriest. Must have a weapon, armour and patience PSN Odokwan
Edited by Orahn: 10/13/2015 10:23:49 PMLooking for 1 person for oryx on raid, you can be new to raid, but please at least be 295 and have an idea of basic strategy, gt orahn
Please somebody out there help me!!! I'm a lvl 295 hunter whose been playing destiny since day one. I am looking for a group to do the raid with, but I have no experience. I have been trying for weeks to find a group to accept me and teach me but as soon as I say 'I've never done it' I get kicked every time. I even helped a friend for the past 2 weeks go from light level 140 to 290 just to have at least someone to do the raid with and the asshole went and has done the raid twice now without me and refuses to help me. This is my last try at finding a group, or else I give up on destiny forever. Please someone help me, because this is such bullshit. How can you have exp doing the raid if no one will give you a chance to do it?
Level 40 Light 293 Hunter Gt : KatouToshiyoki Looking for people who want to do the kings fall raid fresh, invite me please