Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Level 40 Light 293 Hunter Gt : KatouToshiyoki Looking for people who want to do the kings fall raid fresh, invite me please
Warlock here trying to join a fireteam for a fresh run done the raid up to golgoroth don't have a mic but I could listen light 296 add monts213 ps4
Lf fresh run have only gotten to sisters before tho need experience to get further add scouselad81 ps4 298 titan
Fresh run kings raid... i have done the full raid , msg for invite..gt same
Level 40 Light 293 Hunter Gt : KatouToshiyoki Looking for people who want to do the kings fall raid fresh, invite me please
299 hunter LF raid.. Haven't completed last two parts of the raid but have an understanding of what to do
Looking to do raid 1st time light 291 warlock add rudesnakeboi on ps4
295 hunter (night stalker) looking to finish up the kingsfall raid for 2 quests. I am not " experienced" in this raid and would appreciate a team helping me. I do have a mic and follow directions. A team helped me earlier and we got all the way to daughters cp. So if you have room for me please invite. Gt same as above. Oh.. And thank you in advance. :) 360
Looking to join a raid group to run a fresh raid. Gt realzero777
Trying to finish the raid for the first time. Xbox one gt lastnameham
lol 295 hunter looking to do the raid for the first time Seen videos Xbox one GT 'wise white w0lf' with a zero
Looking to run raid from start. Gt realzero777
289 titan looking to do first run of this raid, invite gt is same
The barbershop is open The Xbox one clan The barbershop is looking for new clan members. Formally known as the lump squad the barbershop is heading into a new more open direction!! Sick of using the forums to find reliable players just download the Group me app on android and iOS and log into the clans clan for instant game finding goodness!! Only requirements are that you play as often as you can and help your fellow clan members Also must have the group me app for iOS and android To join please message fortylicks on Xbox one with the email you used to sign up for the group me app ^^^^ Read this to join clan Here are some clips of our clan https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tKUKTTflfEo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fuZ5-xDmOpQ This is a pvp focused clan but also does plenty of pve
Does anyone know y I can't get a challenge the court bounty to drop for me during court of oryx. I really need it to get my last fragment for ToM and I've gotten around 12 of the other types of bounties to drop. Any suggestions?
298 titan lf fresh run. I've only completed the raid upto the sisters add scouselad81 ps4
301 warlock looking for raid. Exp to Oryx
Never played kings fall need help xxthebombxx98988 290 light Titan very experienced at raids
Looking to do the raid for the fist time lvl 295 hunter. Send inv pls
301 Titan looking to finish the raid for the first time. Xbox one gt lastnameham
Edited by BoBo: 10/13/2015 9:23:51 PM298 Titan looking for fresh run. Have completed up to sisters. I have patience and I'm a fast learner. PSN BoBo8713
Need one more for fresh raid on first few checkpoints. Helping raid first timers. Must have a weapon, armour and patience PSN Odokwan
Looking to run the raid add AstroBlastr On ps4
Need 5 for fresh start. 290+light. Message Z0mbi Ki113r
send message for invite oryx cp
http://www.twitch.tv/raidhelp101 RaidHelp101 is a clan of skilled, dedicated raiders who work together daily, helping the community complete Destiny's end game content. Console Xbox One Checkpoints Fresh runs begin at Annihilator Totems and end killing Oryx. We also run Oryx checkpoints for those who need it. Requirements Follow us on twitch http://www.twitch.tv/raidhelp101 Join us on stream and wait to get pulled via raffle (best way to keep it fair) Have a Mic or Kinect and be at least light level 280. Founder IMA EATurSOUL Members https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/780007 Follow To stay connected with when we will be helping raid follow us here http://www.twitch.tv/raidhelp101 http://www.twitch.tv/blazydayz and here https://twitter.com/RaidHelp101 Clan Leader Stats https://www.bungie.net/en/Grimoire/1/4611686018429570004/Activities/Raids?_unlocked=False