Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
292 titan looking to do the full raid for the first time, add me on psn - Almightyfidget
I'm a 296 Hunter with experience up to oryx checkpoint on XB1 invite me SamuelSpeare
297 warlock with black spindle. Gt same as above.
Looking to do my first raid today before ib. 295 Titan. Add me on ps4 jbooradley. I have a mic and listen well
Looking for totems or warpriest 306 warlock gt same as above
Edited by Sarahjiffy: 10/13/2015 7:24:52 AM295 Titan looking for a fresh run, it'll be my first time. PSN (PS4): Sarahjiffy
Looking for a group been up to the sisters 298 Titan add me ps4 ssoler34
Edited by Chief Ranville: 10/13/2015 10:22:37 AM298 Hunter, experienced Don't mind helping out, send an inv Xbone
Have never done it but wanting too my light level is 290 GT: SCOTISH R3B3L
Edited by Kidkidddre: 10/13/2015 7:52:28 AMRaid oryx King's fall at the end and I'm tryin to beat it ps4
Need three for oryx cp
Looking to join a group for a fresh raid. Need 4. Add OG-Antea and jelumpkin.
LFG for fresh run. I need a fireteam to show me the ropes and help me finally complete the raid. Warlock Light level: 295 GT: MJR WOLF
Got oryx cp. need 1 prefer relic runner
287 titan, I havent tried the raid before nor do I know what to do, looking for help
307 warlock don't care what cp inv AlteredPast
I have a Titan thats at 295 light. Need help getting raid gear from the raid. I'll be happy to join anyone if they need help. Ive only gotten past the part where you jump over ships and obtain the chest. I play on the Xbox one.
Looking to join any part of the raid. I have a 307 hunter but I'm trying to get gear for my 285 Titan. If you help me get up to the sisters I'll switch to my hunter for oryx.
I have a Titan thats at 295 light. Need help getting raid gear from the raid. I'll be happy to join anyone if they need help. Ive only gotten past the part where you jump over ships and obtain the chest.
293 Titan looking to join a raid party, have mic and done parts before just looking for a group to have fun with. Psn same
Group of 2 taken king raid newbies looking for group to help show us the raid. Level 295 hunter and 291 hunter. I play on Xbox One and my GT is viral assassin8. Send me an invite please!
289 hunter, 287 lock and titan starting fresh KF. Please have at least 287 light and a high powered sniper. I'm helping my friends with the raid and get them at least 2 pieces of gear. GT: Same as user name.
Need 1 more have check point add and join jaymoneyb_
303 Hunter trying to take my 296 and 297 friends through the raid. They know most of it just skipped some parts. I have a touch of malice and have completed the whole raid multiple times.
Edited by InVinityJackson: 10/13/2015 6:05:23 AMI'm new to raid want to start fresh warlock 303 light xbox one
Need to do Daughters and Oryx 295 Titan PSN: PickleSideOfTown